Discussion: Senior GOPer: Impeachment Is A 'Democratic Fantasy' And Won't Happen

Doooooooood! 'Ware the satire-parody-sarcasm snark!!! Poe’s Law just took a dump all over you! Please call Geek Squad and have your sensor array calibrated.


You need to replace the batteries in your satire meter, Snookums.

Eustace fools another one!

What’s more, while I’m consistently impressed by the constant stream of new and inventive ways the GOP/Teatrolls manage to find for fostering complete and utter cognitive dissonance within their hivemind, this may just be a bridge too far for them:

Impeachment would require them finally admitting that Obama is, in fact, the POTUS, but they’ve spent the past 6+ years pretending he’s not.

I don’t know if they can actually make that corner traveling at ludicrous speed the way they are.

In fact, I’m going to suggest right now to TPM that if articles of impeachment are ever brought up in the House, TPM should use the headline “GOP Finally Admits Obama is POTUS.”


First, I just have to say what a picture of vitality and health Rep. Cole appears to not be on our dime. Gray/black eye bags, never a good sign.
I guess Tom is too busy with his poor diet and avoiding exercise to notice 'Democrat" fantasy pushed by Republican Rep. Joe Barton, Rep. Kenny Marchant and Rep. Steve King and unelected brain trusters like Sarah Palin among many others.
Rep. Cole is just a salad away from seeing the truth.

All kidding aside, Republican’ts would not know what to do without him.


DD, you’ve been around here long enough to know better than that. Did you not recognize the signature “!!!1!!!1!1!1one!!1!!!”

Manchin maybe. Not McCaskill.

Someone better tell these Republicans then…


Which is the way the press should handle the neo-secessionist and impeachment proponents, but instead they give them lots and lots of air time. Each host of each hour-long show plays those clips over and over and over. Same show, different host–all day, every day. Ebola, ebola, ebola, Isis, Isis, Isis, Illegal aliens with ebola who are radicalized by Isis, blah, blah, blah.

I’ll bet that many people know who Ted Cruz, Joni Ernst, and the rest of the nutters are, but cannot name both of their actual senators. And the way the press chases Cruz around, or at least accommodates his narcissism, most people think that he is a hell of lot more powerful than he actually is, given the fact that he is still a newbie back bencher.

One of the worst things that has happened to politics in the last 20 years is 24 hour cable news.

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It’s called satire…kinda like Stephen Colbert’s charterer, isnt actually who Stephan Colbert is
Doesnt seem like you are getting the joke…

Hmmm, Tea Party Darling as new Speaker or bendable John returns to be contorted by promises & threats of said Tea Party.

I imagine there will be a lot of betting on how crazy the next year will be. Campaigning will be in full force early for 2016 so the Reps will be pressed hard to slash and burn as fast as they can. It’s going to be quite a show. Sad state of affairs indeed but we’ll just have to keep a sense of humor about it somehow and carry on.

Dont forget about the advent of the Internet. Im becoming convinced that we’ve always had this many stupid idiots in America…the Internet has just made us far more aware of it.

So is America getting dumber(er) lol… and stupider, or have we always had this many clueless nutters here? Hard to say, but Im beginning to think the Internet isnt causing it, more than simply exposing it.

“The only people I ever hear talk about impeachment are Democrats, and I think it’s always for political purposes,” he said on MSNBC when asked if he would rule out the prospect."

Tom, go talk to Ted Cruz… you may come away with a changed mind as to this impeachment talk. Esp. if Obama decides to act unilaterally on immigration.

No, wait till the Kochs put up the money for it. THEN it will happen.

You need to take a second look at what Eustace posts. If you cannot recognize parody then you may need to work on that. Look at capitalization and then the signature use of exclamation points including “one”. Eustace is well known around these parts for excellent parody.

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DRD once got in an argument with another read and DRD insisted I was a republican shill pretending to be a democrat pretending to be a republican.

DRD thinks i’m a republican pretending to be a democrat pretending to be a republican. She’s on to me, big time!

Some folks can be smacked upside with parody/satire and still miss it.

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So, Cole, what’s less likely, impeachment or anthropogenic climate change?

…blurts the representative of imPeaches 'n sCream party…
