Discussion: Senators Worry McConnell Promise On DACA Not Firm Enough To End Shutdown

Sure doesn’t sound like that’s the plan at all:

Didn’t he already promise Jeff Flake a vote on immigration and DACA by the end of January to get his vote on the Feed The Rich Tax Bill? Whatever happened to following up on that bullshit? Well, its the end of January, dumbass. Besides, what good is anything McTurtle promises (btw, he lies) if it doesn’t even get brought up in the House because RAyn won’t bring it up for a vote? He’s afraid the majority there would vote in favor of the Dreamers and he refuses to let that vote go through? An alternative plan will be to let the Senate vote in favor of DACA and then have the House just strip it out of the legislation in a conference committee, or alter the agreement beyond recognition when the time comes, with no Democratic House members input, as they did with the Feed The Rich Tax Bill on every matter before them. Sorry, but this is all a lot of kabuki and Senatorial Hokum. We’ve seen this movie before over and over again on all their CR to date, you might say… I wouldn’t trust these lying thugs as far as I could throw them. All last year they’ve denied any Dem the ability to offer amendments to any legislation anyway, except during that Vote-a-Rama that McTurtle finagled on that lousy tax bill that no one wanted except the 1% behind more closed doors.

Last night they actually tried to shut down Senator Brown and pull the same shit as they did with Warren some time back, invoking Rule 19 for merely stating the truth last night about McTurtle planning this budget behind closed doors with lobbyists and no Democratic input…

The authoritarian mess these Pukes are creating and destroying regular order over in the Senate is an outgrowth of the kind of odoriferous shit that’s emanating from the already steaming pile of shit in the White House. In fact, I’m sure most Americans can smell that crap from clear across the country. These Republicans ain’t foolin’ nobody. Keep a stiff spine Democratic Senators. We the people can see and know what’s really going on. Stand for something. Everyone except the Faux News audience knows McCaskill wanted to continue paying the troops but once again, McConnell wouldn’t let her because he wanted to play these games.


It doesn’t solve the problem. It just creates a headache for Lyin Ryan. If the Turtle puts DACA in the CR it will pass overwhelmingly, but then the House would have to vote on it. That means Ryan would have to buck the Tea Party. Of course, if Ryan allows it to come to a vote, the CR would pass overwhelmingly but the Freedumb Caucus would be shown to have less power than they and Ryan want everybody to believe. That is bad, very bad.


Oh well. Then Ryan and the Freedumb caucus can own the mess.


“I hope and intend that we can reach bipartisan solutions . . . it would be my intention"

The legislative equivalent of GOP “thoughts and prayers” after every NRA sanctioned mass murder event.


Does everybody realize we are talking about a 3 week bill. Why aren’t we talking about a full on funding bill through the rest of the year?

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Anybody else picture Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football when McConnell offers to bring up DACA after they pass the 3 week extension?

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Because they operate on the maxim, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Everytime we lurch from crisis to crisis they extract more and more of their unpopular agenda from seemingly well-meaning but feckless Democrats, who are enablers and complicit in the destruction of Democracy in exchange for Plutocratic Authoritarianism…

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Well, unless that full year funding bill includes the DACA protections, passing a full year bill would be much worse for Dems in the sense that it would remove any budget deadline leverage the Dems have.


OT but this is outrageous…I can’t stop thinking about this since I saw this in the news. It really bothers me a lot, and I mean A LOT!!

This is what’s happening to this country. Its horrifying. ICE is now Drumpf’s Gestapo. This should be front page news everywhere because frankly its not a one-off…its happening in various ways all around the country now and its just wrong.

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What happened to the vote Flake was supposed to get in January.

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As If ; I wouldn’t believe him
If it was signed in blood and his tongue was notarized

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Here is a novel idea just do the right thing for the DACA peoplehow hard could it be…just try making a positive difference for ordinary people…maybe it will become a trend…

“I am stuffing your mouth with your promises and watching you vomit them out upon my face.”
― Anne Sexton, The Complete Poems