The results will be as accurate as Donnie’s representations on and about his income taxes! Doofus!
Yawn. The sun also rises in the east and sets in the west.
Asked about the criticisms that it would harm the accuracy of the total count, Daines said, “If you’re here legally, you have nothing to hide.”
Okay class, if this were uttered by anyone other than a politician it would be considered a perfect example of a non sequitur, an intellectually dishonest bilge discharge.
Now, can anyone tell me why journalists make exceptions for politicians when holding them accountable? Anyone?
Asked if it should be added for Voting Rights Act enforcement (Ross’ stated justification) or for redistricting, Daines said: “For everything.”
As much as you'd like to, you can't use Census information "For everything". Idjit
The Census Bureau is bound by Title 13 of the United States Code. These laws not only provide authority for the work we do, but also provide strong protection for the information we collect from individuals and businesses.
Title 13 provides the following protections to individuals and businesses:
Private information is never published. It is against the law to disclose or publish any private information that identifies an individual or business such, including names, addresses (including GPS coordinates), Social Security Numbers, and telephone numbers.
The Census Bureau collects information to produce statistics. Personal information cannot be used against respondents by any government agency or court.
Census Bureau employees are sworn to protect confidentiality. People sworn to uphold Title 13 are legally required to maintain the confidentiality of your data. Every person with access to your data is sworn for life to protect your information and understands that the penalties for violating this law are applicable for a lifetime.
Violating the law is a serious federal crime. Anyone who violates this law will face severe penalties, including a federal prison sentence of up to five years, a fine of up to $250,000, or both.
“If you’re here legally, you have nothing to hide.”
Yeah, you don’t even have to hide yourself because GOPers would try to hide you from voting.
And we have ANOTHER Dumb-Shit-Kicker Republican (R-Sagebrush) who has never read the US Constitution (beyond the first paragraph of the 2nd Amendment.)
The census is held every 10 years to determine how many PERSONS are living within the United States borders, not how many CITIZENS. It is Absolutely CRYSTAL CLEAR on that subject.
When the Constitution was written, the only persons considered CITIZENS were “White, Landowning, Males” as they were the only ones who could VOTE.
Everyone else was considered either a “PERSON” (i.e. Women, Children, Immigrants, Indentured Servants, Native Americans,) or 3/5 of a PERSON (Slaves) for purposes of apportionment of Congressional Districts.
Any other interpretation or misrepresentation of this FACT is an outright LIE by a Politician with an Agenda.
Like Senator Dip-Shit here.
“This is America,” Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT), the sponsor, said in a statement announcing the bill. “We are a sovereign nation."
What?!? No way. This changes everything!
Would you bet your house SCOTUS will see it that way?
4 of them will.
It all rests upon Chief Justice Roberts.
Whether his partisanship outweighs his desire to maintain a legacy of upholding the Constitution or not.
(and no, I won’t bet my House upon him “Doing the Right Thing”.)
Let’s face it. It is extremely important that when the count is in, and planning for infrastructure takes place, that we know exactly how many citizens and non citizens will be using them. Maybe there will be a “citizens only” lane on highways … or maybe a “non-citizens only” cell tower … or how about some “citizen only” medical, home and auto insurance discounts.
BTW, will corporations be enumerated? And if so, how is there citizenship determined?
It’s absurd that we don’t know how many citizens and non-citizens are living in this country. That’s why I’m introducing this bill to require a citizenship question on the census.
A conclusion that necessarily assumes that adding the citizenship question will neither reduce the number of people responding to the census nor affect the honesty of their answers, both of which are refuted by statisticians and demographers.
“If you’re here legally, you have nothing to hide.”
The corollary being if you’re here illegally, you have a lot to hide, a proposition that defeats his stated purpose of accurately determining the number of citizens and non-citizens living here.
Republicans and logic, strangers passing in the night.
Or a symbol that non-citizens will have to wear on their clothing?
Why not? After all, “corporations are people.” -Mitt “Integrity Lost” Romney
I think in the current era “Doing the Right Thing” ranks about 17th on the list of criteria as a reason for making any decision, whether by persons in the Executive, Judicial or Legislative branch. There’s no reward for being ethical, or honest, or consistent, or hewing to our laws. That’s for losers and wimps. You don’t get ahead unless you cut a few corners, break a couple windows, salt away a little on the side for future expenses. “Doing the Right Thing” is possibly the most anachronistic concept in the country right now.
“It’s very important that we know within each state, each community, how many total people there are, and how many of those individuals are American citizens,” he said.
What a complete fucking idiot. This falls on the bottom of page 17 on America’s Yellow Pad Priority List. Fucking Montana, are there even a million people living there?
Maybe … but some will say that Tattoos should be sufficient …
then again there will likely be a call for micro-chipping (possibly weaponized to aid in aprehension)
I’m not real good at starting campaigns or whatnot, but we really need one to get everyone, especially immigrants, to just fill out the paper census form and mail it back. Whether there’s a citizenship question or not. The best thing anyone can do to make sure nobody comes around asking questions, is to fill out the form and send it in. Neglecting or refusing to fill it out is the same as inviting canvassers over.
“It’s absurd that we don’t know how many citizens and non-citizens are living in this country.”
It’s absurd that we actually do and you’re lying about it.
Our government has no qualms with seperating immigrant children from their parents, sometimes permanently. The President openly complains about his inability to inflict violence on them. He rouses rally crowds to chant “Shoot them!” Trump accuses sick immigrants of faking their illnesses. He has stripped Dreamers of rights. The list of anti-immigrant actions is long and sad.
Why in the hell should immigrants trust that Census information will not be used against them? How do you go about convincing them what they provide will be kept confidential and not misused when all evidence argues to the contrary, so far as other policies and events all around them?