Discussion: Senate Dems Warn GOP Colleagues 'Own The Consequences' Of ACA Repeal

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Now that’s some simple, effective messaging - this is encouraging to see. Too often Dem’s public messaging gets bogged down in policy details that aren’t easily consumed by the public, or they get put on the defensive by constantly responding to Republican attacks and lies.

The secret to left/moderate political success is simple: clear, easy-to-digest messaging and consistent, constant reinforcement of this messaging. This applies to criticism of the GOP as well as pushing their own policies.

  • Trumpcare: 23 million losing insurance, secrecy, tax cuts for the rich, gutting medicare and medicaid. The GOP own it.
  • Obamacare: 20+ million gained insurance, benefits for the poor and elderly, strengthened medicare and medicaid.

Those are the nails. So very glad to see them being hammered.


Indeed why to the wealthy deserve a tax cut at the expense of health care for the poor, elderly, and disabled. Let’s not forget the caps on employer based insurance. If you get cancer or have a catastrophic medical event, you will get to the cap very quickly.


People will die under the Republican bill, who would not have under Obamacare. People will get serious illnesses under the Republican bill who would not have–or would have had them cured–with Obamacare. People who will be able to keep their health insurance will get sick or die under this bill, because they will catch diseases from people who lose their health insurance under the Republican bill.

More questions?


Oh please…after the Democrats lost FOUR special elections and there is hardly any coverage of people hitting the town halls in rage, the GOP’s answer is a long, loud laugh/


Hey, Chuck, do you really think that the same people who voted for Drumpf will give a rat’s ass about your poster that says the bill is “mean”? Drumpf voters and the GOP are entirely unconcerned with anyone but themselves. In fact, they’d love to see poor people and people of color die in the streets; don’t think I’m kidding. These are not good people. If the bill is cruel to poor people, that’s a feature, not a bug. But a bigger issue is the fact that Democrats somehow LOST THE FUCKING ELECTION to someone as horrible, as unqualified and as unhinged as DONALD FUCKING TRUMP. Go figure that one out, Chuck, and maybe we progressives/liberals will feel like there’s someone with balls leading the Democratic Party.


The media should really be investigating the crap out of this, but they have other priorities.

However, after the Conservative Appalling Care Plan (CACA) passes, many Red State voters will have to learn to not eat.

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Rs won’t own it. They’ll blame Ds and their followers will believe that.


I disagree. Republicans will own it. Their followers are a dwindling minority and being concerned about what they believe is futile. They are not the majority of this country and our majority is growing.


I’ll go one step further. After AHCA, Republicans own both Obamacare and Trumpcare.

Any remaining complaints about Obamacare should have been dealt with in AHCA.


Liked x infinity.

Man I can’t tell you how sick I am of people constantly saying that it’s all futile.

I just heard from another commenter that NBC’s coverage of this bill is killing the Repugs.


Thanks, tena.

I am sick of all the doom sayers popping up lately. This is a long fight and we have to stay in it to win it. Trite as that sounds it is true. Too many Dems give up the minute the GOP puts out their talking points. We can never stop fighting to save our democracy.


Sometimes I think of the stories here as teasers, the stories that are easy to access but don’t provide any real understanding of the issues. This is one of them. Schumer and a sign and a pic of it. However, I do like the teasers coming from this guy on Twitter.


No we can’t because this isn’t one of those fights that ends. This one never does.

So it behooves us to recognize and glorify our victories and we’ve had some since Trump took over. And we will take Congress back.

I know we can - I went to sleep the day of the mid term election in '06 in a Repug county and woke up the next morning in a wall to wall Democratic county and we’ve held it ever since and it’s expanding.


SURPRISE! Here’s your new health care plan! Enjoy the cake, cookies and balloons. You now have “Better Care” - so how does that compare with YOUR “Best” care GOP leadership? I know you won’t ask, as you already know the answer.


GOP to Americans: May your lives be nasty, brutish, and short.

Unless you’re rich, very, very, very rich. In which case, we are at your service!

I’d like to see Democrats start hammering Republicans on ‘trickle down’ - and get people associating good business with Dems and incompetent and destructive wealth with Republicans.

Point out that 30+ years of trickle-down economics has produced a crop of republican millionaires and billionaires that are either so incompetent or so greedy that they act like they will curl up and die if they don’t receive even more tax cuts year after year after year. Millionaires and billionaires that pay a lower % of their wealth in taxes than middle class Americans even though they hoard most of America’s wealth. Millionaires and billionaires that have failed miserably in producing any prosperity for anyone but themselves. Millionaires and billionaires willing to let millions of Americans suffer and die a premature death just to get yet another tax cut.

Millionaires and billionaires that even want to link food stamps to employment - which would let Americans starve if the so-called “job creators” fail to create enough jobs for everyone.

Democrats should then go on to say - Perhaps it’s time to let real Americans to make a stand - if these wealthy republicans can’t deal with paying a truely fair share of taxes, then it’s time to let the free market replace them with competant business people that can.

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The words “PRE-EXISTING CONDITION” should be on every Democrat’s lips every hour until the Senate votes. Americans with savings, homes, and families who aren’t absolutely certain of their job security hear those words with terror, because they know that they are a few steps away from being sick without insurance.

We should be recalling the horror stories from the before the ACA, when people who had a hangnail when they were 7 could be denied insurance. We should recall the public appeals to fund treatment for young cancer patients refused insurance, or whose insurance companies refused to pay for treatment because the child had had an ear infection at 3.

Say it often, say it loud: open the door to PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS, and your friendly local insurance company is going to deny you coverage up front, or else deny payment when you get sick! That’s what insurance companies do… not because they’re existentially evil, but because under capitalism, that’s the economically rational way for them to behave.

The only possible reason for the republicans to do this wealthcare bill, and all the other things they’re destroying right out in public, is the fact that they know they’ll be reelected with help from Kris Kobach and the Russians, among plentiful other,less-publicized thieves among them,no matter how much the voters hate them and what they do. They’re all obviously dirty, won in November because of Putin, et al, they’re unpopular, but still winning. The only way for any fair elections is by hand-counted ballots, which the today’s dirty GOP will fight every step of the way (“costs too much”,“there isn’t time”,etc.) This has got to happen NOW. If we had a real president, he’d be fired up and firing up the public about the theft of our election system by a foreign rival, but he obviously can’t. How obvious does it have to get? I’m retired but have contacted my union about this. We’re undoing our new Putin-installed governor’s (Greitens) RTW law with petitions for a referendum, and this has to be done in the case of these purpose-built easily-hackable election systems that everyone knows about. The time for shaking our heads in disbelief over it is past.