Yeah, there’ll be consequences alright.
The GOP congress will win reelection to their seats in 2018 by 2-4 points instead of 15-20 pts. That’ll show 'em.
Democrats: No plan, no message, no leadership.
Come on Corporate Democrats: Mouth the words: If not Obamacare, then single payer healthcare under Medicare For All.
Obama setup the Insurance Companies for a boondoggle with the ACA thanks to Max Baucus and the Republicans. Trumpcare will make it even worse for patients. The Health Insurance Companies just increased their profits by 40% this year…and executive bonuses are now higher than Goldman Sachs! Obamacare is making insurance companies billions in profits. Trump will turn that into trillions in profits.
Mouth the words Dems: Single Payer Healthcare for all via Medicare for all! Shut down the entire health insurance company scam of Americans! That will resonate with the bottom 90%!
23 million Americans are about to lose their health care and millions of grandmas and grandpas are going to be sent from nursing homes to their children’s basements (or worse dumped on the streets homeless and hopeless) and all Schumer can come up with is “meaner.” The safe centrist Democrats in their safe gerrymandered districts and blue states got nothing. The Democratic party is a shadow of the party that brought American greatness. They have no passion and they have no purpose. All they are interested in is making sure the carried interest deduction is protected for their hedge fund manager patrons. To hell with them.
Medicaid covers the nursing home care of everyone’s parent who never had any prospect of leaving an inheritance. This is who no Republican cares enough about, to vote differently.
That is a larger group than just poor people. It includes the entire middle class. Only the upper middle class and the wealthy can afford ten grand a month for grandma’s nursing home care. The basic deal we have had up till now is if grandma and grandpa exhaust their retirement then medicaid picks up care for the rest of their lives. They are treated in a decent, well regulated nursing home with dignity.