Discussion: Senate Dems Want To Force GOP To Vote On Whether Climate Change Is Real

Discussion for article #231976

So much for Mitch’s lies.

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Even oil companies are on board with this. Here is Shell’s page.

Only the GOP is stuck in the senseless denial. They’ve made it an article of faith like trickle-down. Climate change denial has nothing to do with science or math or truth. It’s just a quick way to determine if you are in the fold or not.


If the US Armed Services (all of them!) are concerned about climate change I’d say it’s a bit more than real.


A. Fucking. Men.

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Yah, The channels in the arctic are opening fast and the Russians, Chinese and Americans are all up there in the warm months jockeying for position. It’s real, for sure, for them.

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Might as well ask the GOP/Teatrolls to vote on a resolution about whether racism is still a rampant, pervasive problem in Amurikkka. Ain’t gonna happen. There’s a nice long list of “things they’ll avoid voting on”.

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Articles of faith in GOP land are just that until one fine day the memory hole is activated. Add admitting they were wrong about anything ever to your list.

IF GLOBAL warMINg was REaL I’d BE In t-sHIRt and SHOrts ratHER than My ParkA. StOP SELLINg LIEs to AMericaNS that GLOBAL warMING is REAL onLY to LINe the POCKEts ScIENTIFIC anD acaDEMIC estabLISHEMEnts and AWaY from MIDDLE AMERica. OVEr 200,000 YEARs of DATA provE cLIMATe chAnge IS made UP junk science. LESS scienCE haS nEVer maDE MORe SENSE than right NOW!1!!!one!!1!!!


I love it when Bernie stirs shit with the Republicans.

And they so often amuse him by taking the bait.


Climate is what you expect. Weather is what you get.
per Mark Twain.


They are, read on!
But having bought your laptop/tablet etc from Fox News you wouldn’t know that! Fox sells the gullible, the lazy and easily led their own brand of computers. All search engines on the Fox bought laptops/tablets etc are blocked, period! Fox tells the buyer/user what they need to know when they need to know it and how to think! “Think the Fox Way,” is their brand motto!

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That should read “6000” years of data, not 200,000 am I right? Or have the atheist socialist librul scientists corrupted a mind even as fine and pure as yours??


You won’t find this post anywhere in a Fox brand laptop tablet etc!

I love this guy in a purely platonic way …lol he and warren and brown are just about the only ones in the senate that are fighting for us…and makeing the rtepublicons look stupid is just a big plus


No way they allow this to come to a vote.



Sanders 2016!

or this:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has promised an “open amendment process” in the new Congress, which would suggest that the Sanders resolution might actually get a vote. HAHAHA! Droll, very droll…

They are all on board. More examples:

Chevron: http://www.chevron.com/globalissues/climatechange/

BP: http://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/sustainability/the-energy-future/climate-change.html

Exxon (mostly with it): http://corporate.exxonmobil.com/en/current-issues/climate-policy/climate-policy-principles/overview