Discussion: Senate Dems Ready To Unveil Bill Reversing Hobby Lobby Ruling

Discussion for article #224820

Yep, Senate stays blue.


The best they can do with it is make the Turtle look bad.


Won’t actually go anywhere due to the standard hate-on-the ladies Republicans filibustering it, but should be a serious club to use come fall. Hopefully turn a few votes…and given how close some of the important races are, every one counts.


i wonder if the dems can twist enough arms on the right side of the aisle by pointing out that there’s a hole in the corporate veil that the repubs don’t want exploited?


Of course Boehner will rush this to a vote in the House, where a majority of the Democrats and a minority of the Republicans will pass it quickly. Shortly after that there will be a sudden ice storm in Hell.


Should be known as: “Keeping your boss out of your bedroom” bill. Fits on a bumper sticker. Applies to women and men. What could go wrong?


Yeah…that’s nice and all, but it’s DOA in the GOTP House even if the GOTP in the Senate dont filibuster it…which they will, so…big yawn. Get back to us whenever Dems get back the House. Hillary will be President when that happens.

You know they know they know this, right?


IOW - there is a method to this madness.


This is gonna be fun. I don’t see a single Democrat voting no - maybe Manchin, but I kinda doubt even that.

The real territory where this matters, though, is Senate control after the 2016 election. I look forward to seeing Kelly Ayotte or Mark Kirk trying to justify a “no” vote to moderates they have to win over to stay in office, or a “yes” vote to the baggers wanting to primary their asses. Or Rob Portman, or Ron Johnson, or Marco Rubio, or Pat Toomey, or the poor GOP saps that have to run to replace John McCain and Chuck Grassley in a presidential election year…

See ya later suckers.


I think Udall wins going away. There’s no evidence that the GOP is any stronger in Colorado now than it has been over the last 3 cycles.

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Bravo, Senators Udall and Murray…and everyone else behind this.

The battle lines have been drawn. And the Republicans are going to lose in a huge way.

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Thanks for shouting. Next time, use all caps AND bold to make a point. Otherwise, it might get lost.

Here’s a thought: of course it’s going to die in the House. That isn’t the point. The point is to make every Republican Senator up for re-election vote against birth control.

The GOP has been pulling this stunt for three years now in the House. Time to return the favor.


Oh come on, the Eagles after all /s

Also? The FAA will be overrun with flying pigs.

Strangest of days.

Short-term: make the turtle look bad. Slightly longer term, use the no votes to paint GOP Senators up for re-election as against birth control. Looking out to 2016? And all those Republican Senators trying to get re-elected in a presidential election year? Make them justify the inevitable no vote.

Only way this backfires is if it actually passes the Senate.


ONLY IF WE VOTE! If we become complacent (again) the insane will have the run of the asylum.


Guess we’ll see what side of the fence the “Libertarian” members of the Tea Party/GOP come down on, they actually have a chance to vote and prove what they stand for, individual or corporate rights.


Will be interesting to see how this:

A - wrongfoots GOP Senate hopefuls
B - helps Demcoratic Senate candidates and/or GOTV for Dems


C - both of the above.

If it doesn’t do a lot for any of the above, it is a waste of time, effort and tax dollars even getting ti printed up and submitted as a bill, because it will never get to the POTUS’s desk in the 113th Cognress, and will (even if somehow passed as legislation) do more than mitigate some of the damage of the Hobby Lobby travesty of a ruling.

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