Discussion for article #228817
WTF is wrong with them?
As the picture shows, McConnell has surrendered, so there is no need to run ads.
Both parties are picking winners and losers. They probably want to put more money in the Hagan campaign or maybe in South Dakota.
I miss Howard Dean.
haha. mCcOnneLL moCKING libTARDS BY doiNG prETEND proTEST of thE “killING” OF mICHAEL BROWN IN fERgusON. neXT he’S goinG TO loot THE piggly WIGGLY IN Hopkinsville AND smoke A MARIJUANA cigareTTE!!!1!11!1ONE!!!1!!1!1!
So…running as GOP-lite isn’t a winner? Who could ever have suspected.
Their candidate sucks.
If Grimes can’t crush Turdle on his glaring, deliberate lies about Kynect and his whining about getting rich from his wife’s dead mommy, then she’s wasted money.
Dumb, dumb, dumb. This isn’t a Georgia or Texas where the demographics are working against the candidate (and you can argue Texas doesn’t even fall in that category). Especially given the opportunity to follow up on her debate performance and really drive home the difference between ALG wanting to get something done in Congress and protect the 1/2 million KYs who now have insurance vs. McTurtle who wants to take it away and make sure as little as humanly possible gets done by the Senate…
I’m guessing this is because all the air time has already been purchased.
Grimes never had a chance, I don’t know why we spent any money there at all except to pull their resources in too. There’s more redneck government teat moochers in that state than almost any other except maybe Mississippi and Alabama…
Yeah but their electorate sucks even worse.
Or it’s a fake-out and there is other money to cover things.
(I hope)
She’s a statewide elected official and KY has a Democratic governor. WTH are you talking about?
They’re still paying to work the ground game—they’re just not paying for more ads.
But they will if it looks like it will help.
It’s a rational set of decisions.
Grimes is a longer shot than Nunn at this point and as hasn’t exactly had difficulty raising money on her own. With three weeks left, I don’t imagine there is much air time still availalble anyway.The DSCC has said it won’t be buying ads, but indicates it will stil supply money to help GOTV.
Having to target ultimately limited funds, I imagine the decision was to put money where it was felt it was needed more, either to hold a Dem seat or to pick off Georgia or SD.
I agree - do they want to lose the Senate. Fight the GOP everywhere, make them defend every inch of ground. Never relent!
STUPID STUPID…Never give a dime to the orgs…I have not in years!
I saw a garbage truck full of dollars bills, with a Koch Industries sticker on it headed for Kentucky.
Did I just read that the Republican Minority Leader of the Senate of the United States, the man who swore to do everything in his power to block everything Obama wanted to do, holds a “small but steady lead” over the Democrat, and the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee has decided to stop funding the race?
Are you kidding me?
EDIT: This is the fallout from not saying she voted for Obama?