Discussion: Senate Democrats' Campaign Arm Pulls Funds From Kentucky

As do I, though I will note that the DNC and the DSCC are different animals.


Sahil…what have you been up to?

No, I think he’s just showing solidarity with the Missouri protests.

“Don’t shoot!”

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Politico is reporting the opposite.

While both far too packed with redneck dumbasses, Kentucky and Georgia are two different states.


I wouldn’t read too much into this. They are still spending money on the ground game, and at this point, that is where the biggest bang for the buck is happening. They also left the door open to air more ads in the final week or so.

And the DSCC isn’t the only ones airing ads. She will be on the air plenty for rest of the campaign.


And as much as I want Grimes to win, and think she still very well may…right now, Nunn is much better positioned to win. The race down here as stayed much closer, and there have been massive voter registration drives, particularly in black precients, that should pay off very nicely in November for us.


I seriously doubt it has anything to do with her not answering a gotcha question. Quite the contrary…if she had said she voted for President Obama twice, McConnell would probably be opening up a lead this week.

Its a tactical decision about where to deploy resources on changing map, and forcing republicans to spend in places they hadn’t planned.

Like GA for instance, where the DSCC is dumping $1 million on ad buys at the same time the RSC is pulling out.

At that level, it becomes a game of bluffing your opponent as much as it is dumping money everywhere.


What the hell? I thought she was within striking distance?

She is.

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I believe she still has a hefty war chest left. She has done very well in fund raising this race, so there is money to keep buying air time if they wish.


No, she doesn’t suck. She’s trying to unseat a 30 year incumbent who has a shit ton of money and she’s dealing with a brutally racist electorate that doesn’t want to do anything that might appear to help that nigger in the WH that destroyed their country. You’ve got to understand that these people would rather deny their own children, deny themselves healthcare, than do anything that appears to give Obama a win.


Hagan seems to be holding her own pretty well, now that the dust is starting to settle. Nunn in GA is the opportunity they are seeing. They are dumping $1 million into Georgia for ad buys right now.


This! The vast majority of her ads are from pacs and her campaign. She doesn’t need their money, other candidates do. It makes sense to pull ads from $$ from better funded candidates who have the ability to raise more money and put it where candidates are struggling financially.

Also, all the campaign available ad time is already bought and paid for.


I can’t understand this unless polls show her in bigger trouble than I thought. The thing is it’s very difficult to unseat a Senate incumbent leader. Even Reid survived the Tea People year of 2010, when Dems were running scared all over the place. I guess what I am saying is I never had much hope that Yertle would be defeated.

And in Texas. Davis is the shittiest candidate I have seen since Coackly in MA. We blew that one for now, too. Oh well, things will be made right in 2016.

Georgia has a sizeable black population that could easily turn the election. Kentucky has a sizeable white trash population that could easily hand the election to McConnell because, ya know, they might win the lott’ry someday and they don’t want to be stuck paying for lazy black people.


Ya think this has something to do with her refusing to say whether or not she voted for Obama?

I think she should have had a prepared answer (probably along the lines of “secret ballot is sacred”) because in her position there is no right answer.

Say yes, and the trailer folk hate you. Say no, and nobody believes you.

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I so wish that your line of thinking had held sway in 2010, when the Democrats allowed the Republicans to take the House of Representatives, based on the very same reasoning you are reacting to.

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