Discussion: Sen. Sasse: Gorsuch Condemned Attacks On 'Brothers And Sisters Of The Robe'


Judge Gorsuch… you’re fired!!!


This is going to be very interesting! Will Trump withdraw the nomination? What will the judge be willing to say in public hearings? The D’s have a huge opportunity to force public statements that might cause major ripples in the public discourse and Trumps hope that the ACA includes mental health benefits.


See, the problem for me is this: Scalia would have said the same thing. And Scalia is hardly a good role model for SCOTUS judge in my book.

So, even if he did say this stuff, it does NOT mean that he won’t be a flaming narrow-minded asshole just like Scalia.


Wouldn’t it be easier and much less painful to just withdraw ?

Trump: You Lie.


Aaand now the “president’s” “people” are rummaging for tweet-worthy dirt on Sasse too. But to be fair, it’ll be less intense, since “Sasse” just doesn’t piss them off like the name “Blumenthal.” I wonder why…


Like Blumenthal said in an interview yesterday…Gorsuch said it behind closed doors but was unwilling when asked to say what he thought and believed publicly. So Gorsuch gets no props for admitting the judiciary is being attacked by Hair Leader. Until he does, this issue is moot as they say in courtroom parlance.

And good lord, brothers and sisters of the robe sounds more like the Vatican, a monastery and a nunnery combined, than the Judiciary…Had to do a double-take on that one when I first saw it.


Trump: Gorsuch just bought the entire Ivanka line. So I am good.


In fact, he may even be worse.


Let’s not miss what’s going on here. The only way that Gorsuch has any chance of getting 60 votes is by distancing himself from Trump. So - surprise! - he is distancibg himself from Trump. And his Republican friends in the Senate are playing along. Well, more than playing along. They are helping write the script.


Hmmm, I guess the “Fascism Forever” really was just a bad juvenile idea of a joke…

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Trump’s just dying to pull that same old shit like he did on the woman from DoJ. He just wishes the cameras could all be fixated on him this time when and if he does it. I really think he still believes he’s still in some kind of made-for-TV reality show…only this time he’s dragging the rest of the country down while we’re all forced to watch his daily schlock routine. I’m sure its his only source of solace believing he’s still the star of his own show. Its like the fucking Truman Show everyday now.


I have a hard time believing Trump has sucked everyone into some game of 12 dimensional chess. But the inevitable chorus of “Put the stand-up guy on SCOTUS!” has me suspecting as much.


We trending now BABY …

NYT: Trump Attacks Senator for Divulging that Gorsuch Called Attacks on Judiciary ‘Demoralizing’ Updated!!!

NPR Trump Slams Senator Who Revealed Gorsuch’s Criticism Of Remarks On Judges

etc etc…

Also this is about Trump’s comments, not the nominees’ not really, therefore merely replacing Gorsuch with another nominee does nothing. The same questions will consume any nominee. And it’s not about the ban either. This goes way back to Judge Curiel which was a racially motivated attack.

We in high cotton now bitch.


I was wondering if he was thinking of white robes…


Oooooh, I love it when Drumpfie’s in rage mode…

Just wondering when the first of the acolytes in the WH begin to get shit-canned, exit the elevator on their own, or keel over from the overpowering reek of BS emanating from the Oval Office…


Trump has a mental illness, let’s just name it!!


Golly! If we honor the Constitution, separation of powers and the principle of checks-and-balances upon the three branches of government how can we ever realize president Bannon’s vision of a new world order?


Of it’s getting interesting, all right. Say they torch Gorsuch and go with another judge. They just ask him the same questions. The brilliance in this strategy is that it transfers onto any new nominee. And the travel ban is one thing, what are these nominees going to say about the racially motivated attacks on Curiel. If Trump weren’t allegedly mentally ill it wouldn’t be an issue, he could legitimately have a difference of opinion with a nominee. But if he’s really as sick as he might be he’ll defeat himself on any nominee he puts up. Trump has trapped himself in a device of his own making.

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