We’ll miss those plaid shirts.
How does “a powerful moderate” maintain “close ties to Senate leadership”? That is the Yin and Yang of the GOP.
So… what’s our Tennessee bench look like?
Don’t know if one should be sad or glad…depends on who replaces him. The Dems May have an opportunity if they don’t fall to defeat from in-fighting and or poor choices.
More will follow Senator Alexander. Retiring also frees up Alexander and others to impeach Don the Con, since I’m sure they all hate him.
“seen as a moderate republican” he was always against ACA, and drafted the failed Republican version in 2017. Related -
Proves that Bumble Brains doesn’t even have a clue of what this “terrible” Obamacare thing is, as he thinks it is one plan with one deductible, and has no idea of what private insurance costs.
Senate is going to be a pretty crappy place for Republicans after 2020, might as well call it quits.
Maybe Donald Trump is so preoccupied with “RATS!” because so many of them are leaving his ship.
Trump has no plan beyond lying.
rump enabler seeing the writing on the wall…adios Lama.
Pretty nervous if someone from Tennessee bows out
Q. What do you call Lamar Alexander retiring?
A. A start.
I am not optimistic about what will rise out the muck in Tennessee and replace him.
This is just the beginning of the coming blood bath for Republicans in 2020.
Will Bredesen run again?
GTFOH, you and John “Steaming Pile” Kyl of Arizona, too.
“Alexander to Step Aside for Still More Terrible Garbage Person.”
My guess would be “no.”
He also led successful efforts to reform the No Child Left Behind education law.
ÂżQue? The law that was at first an unmitigated (and unfunded) disaster which was later transformed into merely a disaster? That law?