Discussion: Sen. Lamar Alexander Says He Won't Run For Reelection In 2020

As he said (what seems like) a couple of decades ago, “nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.”

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Back when I was in junior high school during his initial campaign for governor in TN I met Lamar. He was a different man then. One with a spine and convictions. Today he is beholden to his donors and party extremists. As a Tennessean I would celebrate, but sadly someone even more extreme and laughable will be elected in his stead. As many of you know living in a deep red state takes its tool on ones mental health…
Err, that should say TOLL on one’s mental health. As if to demonstrate the same…


I’ve heard it also affects one’s spelling and grammar. LOL

Wait a minute. Did you mean living in a deep red state takes a tool to one’s mental health, as in “dismantles it”?

Sorry. Couldn’t resist.


Dems Lost to Marsha by double digit margin?LMFAO…She can’t even put two sentences together…this is another dysfunctional state that can’t get out of its own way…


Mr. Papadopolous, Tennessee returned your call. They said to wish you luck in your search, and there’s no need for you to return the call.

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I don’t think Trump could even tell you how much a can of Coke from the vending machine costs, never mind private health insurance.


He voted to take away my health insurance.

Good riddance!

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When the SC votes to dump O’care, the GOP is saddled with either an impeachment, an acquittal in the face of massive evidence, a resignation under duress, or a record of unmitigated failure, will Tennessee still go red?

I wouldn’t bother with working in Washington either if I had Khloé Kardashian waiting for me at home. But he screwed that up good I guess.

Folks, this is the state that convicted a man for the heinous sin of teaching human evolution. If anybody’s waiting for a more progressive replacement, I wouldn’t leave the porch light on.


Will just be even exchange, one rethug for another. And remember this is the state that elected nutty blackburn, which we all knew they would do

no cus he would lose again. I expect there is some evangelical pastor to fill the seat

They will go even redder


And even more odious will replace them, count on it


Upside: TN goes Dem. Downside: TN goes Redder

I assume he’ll be moving back to his beloved Australia to enjoy the universal health care and restrictive gun control policies.

Senator Alexander is a GOP rubberstamp. Any GOP successor will be a GOP rubberstamp.

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Taylor Swift for Senate!


Another Republican retiree so he won’t have to defend Trump.

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remember trump’s statement: “i have the best words”. a total fucking lie. remember trump telling his idiot rally followers: “i will never lie to you”. the biggest fucking lie of all time?

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