I know he was using “kissing ass” metaphorically, but a guy who works at Fox - where it was probably literally done - should be smart enough not to tread so close. But it is Hannity…
Hannity, Trump, two peas from the same pod. Trolls. In fact, all or most, of the GOP are trolls. Devoid of the shame gene. Devoid of any self-awareness, devoid of any decency. They are sub-human. I want to say worse things…but I’ll refrain.
haha! This photo is fitting because the person Trump’s face is superimposed on is Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Trump’s whole campaign would make him the top heel (pro wrestling term for the top bad guy) in the industry. I still think McMahon is writing his stuff because Trump’s rhetoric seems like it’s pulled right from the scripts of WWE.
I am shocked, shocked, at the ignorance and vulgarity. But kinda psyched at the panic and desperation. Life is a rich tapestry.
: )
IT was ON CNN. TAPper waS NOSE Deep IN HITLARY’s rectum. Literally. NOSE WAs LITERALLY BRown. WITH literal POOp.
Hannity…FOX is so far up Trump’s backside, they can see his tonsils.
Scammity continues to show that irony and self awareness are foreign concepts to ‘conservatives’…
Remember folks, Hammity is not a Republican, he just plays one on TV.
One hopes that Sean insHannity at the least wiped his mouth before posting that laughable brain fart:
“That is the kind of coverage that CNN offers in this presidential race as they literally kiss Hillary Clinton’s ass and Obama’s ass every day,” he said.
If you hadn’t dropped out of college, Sean, you might, just might, have learned the definition of literally.
One of the minimum requirements to have a show focusing on public issues should be a basic understanding of the English language. With this in mind, if Hannity can’t come up with photographic evidence to back up his claim he should “literally” have his sorry ass kicked off TV.
Shorter Hannity: CNN should be kissing Trump’s ass, just as I do. I am practically glued to The Orange.
Add Hannity to the list of doofuses that literally have no idea what “literally” means.
I see Republicans learned a new word this week. How to say it, that is. They have no idea what it means.
Par for the course.
Thanks. I can now use “Cheeto Mouth” instead of “trumpcum breath” when describing Hannity.
Oh dear god that is vile…