Discussion: ‘Scumbags’: Conservative Super-Lawyer Blasts Schiff, Media Over NRA-Russia Story

Bias, sure. But you can be both biased and truthful. And her opinion on “no collusion” is exactly that–opinion. She knows as much about the evidence of collusion as any news-reader. If that’s not true, then “paging Mr. Mueller”…

You know whenever a conservative mouths the words “fake news,” the report referred to is spot on.

ha ha. And, by the way, I find your way with words supremely appropriate.

Mitchell continued, “I’ve told [sic] McClatchey and the other news services that if they receive any reports anywhere at all of Russian money funneled to the NRA, they should tell me immediately so that the NRA (which with I am IN NO WAY affiliated since 2012) can hush the whole thing up.”

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Looks like somebody is thinking she gets of easy just being disbarred.

The plural.

She seems nice.


Methinks she doth protest too much.

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She’s seems nice. And reasonable. And nice.


Oh damn; you beat me to the punchline.

She was absent the day they taught logic in law school.


Yup. As part of our evening routine, we take the dog for a walk down and around two dead end streets that branch off of ours. At one particular house, as we go by, their dog starts barking, and the owner come out and glares at us as we go by. Lately, they’ve escalated this to standing there with their massive pit bull-like dog, growling at ours as he sniffs the grass. Yeah, he’s on a lease, but last night, he crossed onto the grass by a couple of feet, the pit bull growled and the owner started berating my wife and brother, implying she would turn the dog loose.

Really? Are you that bitter and unhappy that you couldn’t just say “howdy neighbor, nice dog?”

“Have you no shame, Senator?” would probably be answered today with “No shame! No shame! You’re the shame!”

I don’t know how we got this twisted, but I would welcome a backlash to all this and we get to reset our expectations about what constitutes civil behavior in a civil society.


Personally I would have put “Super-Lawyer” in air quotes…


A conservative super lawyer ???
filthy mouthed female who thinks she has balls.
absolutely hilarious if not so sickening sad.

"And I resent the implication that the NRA is a haven for cannibalism. It’s well known that the Trump campaign currently suffers the greatest losses in this area.

“Loesch - put that down!!”


I have no idea what ths means, but I like it… :smile:

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Loved this.

Plus, as a Board Member, that’s likely separate from privilege. You only get to invoke privilege if you are in a lawyer/client relationship. Anything determined to be outside that is not subject to privilege. She’s a smart one.


As a lawyer, I see an awful lot of absolutes and unequivocals in her statement. As a basic practice note, absolutes and unequivocals have a way of coming back to haunt. She’s either really confident of her position and the NRA’s position or really reckless. I am voting for reckless.


Ok then, not lying. Stupid.

I do not think this “super-lawyer” knows what a “supplicant” is.