Discussion: ‘Scumbags’: Conservative Super-Lawyer Blasts Schiff, Media Over NRA-Russia Story

Point b is an example of words chosen to sound like they make an airtight case against a broad category of activity, but which actually make two unrelated claims. She may as well have said “b) there is ZERO chance that LaPierre has consumed peppers of any type in any form as LaPierre has always been 100% meticulous about what jacket he wears for what meal.”


“I suggest you better not mention my name or if you mention it, you better say that the story is false and the House Dems’ statements are false and that this only underscores how there is nothing NOTHING to this entire Russia collusion story,” Mitchell added. “It is a complete fabrication by the left and their supplicants in the liberal media.”

This is how a “super-lawyer” writes? For realz?


Whether you add that “e” or not I don’t want to be around her certain days of the month, just sayin’.

She minored in the Roger Stone School of Public Communication.


Great example.

Perhaps, Comrade Mitchell could volunteer to be deposed by the Intelligence Committee Democrats in order to clear this matter up.

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“When they scream like this, it means you are getting closer.”


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The Shrill-o-meter is indicating there is a there there. KOKO Mueller, you beautiful stone-faced bastard.

  1. Boy, that touched a nerve. 2. I detect some careful parsing of words here. She says she hasn’t been affiliated with the NRA since her term on the board ended, not that she hasn’t done any work for and/or related to, the NRA. Second, she says the NRA didn’t take any Russian money, not that the NRA never attempted to cultivate relationships/coordinate politically with Russians.
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She doth protest too much.

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doesn’t have much of a poker face, does she?

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Well, now she has something in common with Jeanine Pirro.

I just hope she’s also traipsed in the woods of New York looking for the elusive Hillary Clinton.

She knows the NRA. She is probably scared for her life.

Here in Texas, if you begin the description of anyone with the phrase, "Bless his/her heart, you can say just about anything this side of libel about that person. (I’m not too sure about how far one can go with slander and defamation of character in a public forum, but you can go quite far.) Example: Bless her heart, she may have been a lawyer for the NRA, but I’ve got two hunting dogs that know more about the law than she does.


No collusion eh?
I am surprised she didn’t use the words “witch hunt” in all caps with several !!! afterward like someone else we know. And in her latter message there is a very clear threat. She should be careful of stuff like that.
That this lady was a board member tells me all i need to know. .


Cognitive Dissonance Strikes again;

A) “I have NOT been involved with the NRA since 2012 when my board term expired.”

B) “There is ZERO chance that NRA was involved in any way with Russian money as NRA has always been 100% meticulous about what money is spent for what.”

A means she does not have any knowledge of what has been going on in the last 5 years to state B.



A lawyer like her is going to charge at least $500 per hour, maybe closer to $5,000 per hour. I don’t believe the NRA is getting their money’s worth. Or should I say Russia’s not.

What about “Fuckers fucking grammar fucking fucks” ?

I was thinking that I couldn’t wait for her next missive.

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Go back to Sweden Moronie!