Discussion: Scott Walker's Support In Wisconsin Almost Halved, Majority Disapprove Of His Governorship

I never noticed before, but he has Shannen Doherty Eyes.

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Like a shark?

This putz was supposedly the guy to worry about. He is folding like a lawn chair.

This is ironic but I’ll bet that he would’ve been a much better candidate without all the Kock sucking and Kock money.

Scott Walker; new money-old dumb.

I hate that piece of shit Walker. Both Cruz and him are the most disgusting, arrogant, sycophant, corrupt fuckwads running…and that’s saying a lot considering all the other assholes in the race for biggest turd on the GOP shit pile.

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How this man weathered the recall election in Wisconsin was quite amazing for many of us. He is a puppet of the Koch Brothers and the rich and just why the citizens of Wisconsin did not want to see this or deal with this loser baffles me. The more we hear about him and his policies and beliefs, the faster he falls. I hope that he does have to drop out at some point in this presidential run, because we do not need any more hypocritical puppets in our political system.

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Now here’s the nature of the people of Wisconsin. When first they tried to recall him, he won not being recalled because (the polls said) they hadn’t given him a chance on his governorship, yet. OK, now they have.
Mr. Walker was quite some time in the birth canal, I’ll betcha!

Could you be a wee bit clearer expressing the way you feel about Scotty?

Nah, that’s not the only Koch that he’s blown.

I love Wisconsin and have dear friends there. I have never figured out why the slimy Walker escaped prosecution, a recall election, and two elections, since I always found Wisconsinites to be sensible, progressive and grounded. Kind of like the people who re elected Paul Le Page of Maine…WTF? Has Ben Carson been doing free lobotomies on those populations, since he is done doing them on himself?

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Gee. I knew he was a vindictive fucking prick the first time I saw him. The Wisconsin electorate is a slow group.

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LePage won because idiot liberals and moderates in Maine split their votes twice. Douchebag Walker only won because he ran in GOP wave election off-years. It’s all pretty much the fault of lazy fucking non-wingnuts not bothering to vote or not voting intelligently

That’s Walker’s ID - chronic idol worship of Reagan, hence the “howdy-Doddy” warped, tilted head. Horrible side effect for being a half-educated nit-wit,

UR so right on every count…the progressive state confounds me on this one

Wisconsin to Walker: Please stay. We want you to continue to run our State into the ground. Why bother with running America into the ground? There are clown cars full of people who want to do that. We want your special touch here at home.

Good Grief! I didn’t know people could be so dumb!
Oh, yeah. They RE ELECTED this clod.
I say let him go and run for national orifice. At least it will build a sympathy vote for Wisconsin. Until people realize that people in Wizz-consin WANTED this clod to be their “Guv’ner.”
And that the people of “Wizz-consin” are getting EXACTLY what they WANT, and what they DESERVE.
So, why, oh why, are they complaining so loudly?

But that would only make him even more Scott Walker.

You are correct sir… (just finishing Steven Saylor’s Roma/Empire books). Caligula’s wife got the shiv as well.


Some days it’s all we’ve got.

As I said elsewhere,

They are campaigning for a job that awards the winner with allowing them to publicly swear an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. And the vast majority of them are declaring openly that they will ignore the 14th Amendment. Kasich said this week he wants to deprive teachers of their 1st Amendment rights. Carson wants to ignore posse comitatus laws and do drone strikes on US soil. And their “moderate” position on immigration is to create a second class of citizens, to be taxed but with no right to vote (because that’s why we founded this country, to tax people with no representation??). I am still waiting for one republican candidate to advocate for something actually LEGAL.

So no, its not you…they are much, much crazier this time around. I suspect desperation has a great deal to do with that.

Yeah, not a great poll for Feingold, but I am not hitting the panic button on that race just yet. Senate races lag behind Presidential ones for obvious reasons, especially with no primaries. Feingold is a solid politician and Johnson is competing for the dumbest person in Congress award.

Oh, so NOW Wisconsin at large awakes from the slumber of their recall election…

The Kochs must be looking for another horse to bet on.