Discussion: Scott Walker: Mitch McConnell, GOP Establishment To Blame For Gridlock (AUDIO)

One of the best side effects of the rise if Trump and the Anti-Fox GOP is that all the other clowns in the car get labeled too. Scott Walker gets called “the Koch Bros. waterboy” and now it sticks, even on the right.


You have Fox on at work? Sympathies.

Lovin’ me some Trump, for all the wrong reasons.


It changes. Honestly, when I walk in there it’s usually Price is Right or Married with Children.

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Only in the right-wing voluntary alternate reality is McConnell not useless ENOUGH. Walker is right of course, but not for the reasons he thinks.

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Where, when? Lol


The remarks from Walker, who has characterized himself as the “aggressively normal” candidate …

By Republican standards, which is to say: Aggressively Corrupt.

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Only part I picked up was “Iowa”.

Hey Scotty, where are those 250,000 new jobs you promised? Guess you are part of the problem because you don’t do what you promised.

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Scott Walker: So stupid, it hurts.

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“In a phone appearance on Glenn Beck’s radio show Monday, the host asked Walker whether members of “the establishment, like Mitch McConnell” are “part of the problem” in Washington.”
How do you “appear” on a voice-only phone???
Anyway…It was the “Glen Beck” Radio show (yes, I know he is popular with the pig-shit-kickers in Iowa)
How low have you sunken Scotty to have to kow-tow to the Prince of Stupidity.
What happened to all that succulent Koch Money?

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How do you appear on radio?

If you’re Walker, the answer is “walleyed”.


That’s certainly an unusual way to appear “aggressively normal” - kiss up to a certified loon like Glenn Beck.

There is a tiny problem here that you seem to be missing Scotty:

The majority of people, despite your best efforts to the contrary, think your ideas and your policies as a party fully and completely suck and that is why, despite about 60 different tries, Obamacare is still the law of the land.

If Mitch could wave a magic wand and kill all of his opponents in the Senate then we would have the kind of government you and the Kochs are working so hard for and then all of the US economy would work just like Wisconsin and Kansas and we’d all be screwed.

It is called democracy Scotty. Learn to live with it. I pray that it works long enough to send you back to work in the iron mine in Wisconsin.


Sorry. This is the best that dull-as-pablum Scotty can do. He’ll continue to slosh around in the mediocre middle of the pack, held above water by Koch bucks, until the nomination of Trump.

THEN we’ll start popping the popcorn.


As Groucho said, “He’s got a face for radio!”


“Gov. Scott Walker blamed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and other members of his own party’s establishment for inaction in Congress.”

With you so far…

“…and for not confronting President Obama more vigorously.”

There it is, teh stoopid, we have come to expect from this puppet POS.


Walker better stop treating the Kentucky GOP organization like a union. The KKK doesn’t take kindly to Yankees from Wisconsin telling them what they should do.

The same can be said for the rest of the Midwestern and border states. In Missouri, the state GOP forced one of their own to commit suicide by intimating that he was a closeted Jew. Imagine what they might imply about Walker? Imagine what is really there in Wisconsin to be exposed in Walker’s corrupt administration.

This GOP clown car presidential campaign has just gotten on the road and some of its candidates are already trying to tempt their Washington Congressional leadership into playing chicken on the road to the White House? This isn’t state politics. Washington is the big times. Regional players need to know their place.

The Turtle might look stupid but he’s been playing politics since before Walker got out of diapers. Don’t ever insult a son of the South. An slur against one is a slur against all of them, Scottie. You are going to regret your arrogance. You presume too much. You aren’t Trump. You aren’t even that thing that sits on top of his head.


Pfft. Being a Jew is a sin. Being corrupt is a feature of being a GOTPtard.