Discussion: Scott Walker: Mitch McConnell, GOP Establishment To Blame For Gridlock (AUDIO)

And I want to be quite clear about this. There is absolutely no cannibalism in the Republican Party. And when I say none, I mean that it is occasionally more or less under control. Anyone observing Republicans eating their own kind should report it to me right away so I can get Fox and the mainstream media to hush it all up.

Signed, Reince Preibus (Mrs.)

[unashamedly inspired by Monty Python]


Yup, paranoia strikes deep. Was YouTube surfing the ‘good old days’ last night.

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Scotty doesn’t realize that the House and senate LEAVE TOWN for all of August. It’s tradition.


But isn’t that an awesome meme for him to reenforce among the GOP voters, to support re-electing their incumbent candidates?


I must cut back on my popcorn consumption.


I think why I’m so fond of this song is because some of its singers went on to form CSNY. Yes, I’m old enough to tell you I still listen to them.


And when they come back with their pockets full of donor money, they’ll get down to serious work.

I’m actually extremely surprised that the Fillibuster still exists.

It’s CSN and sometimes Y if I’m not mistaken. Young was an occasional member.
Regardless, Suite Judy Blue Eyes and Wooden Ships are two of my all-time favs.

The Koch brothers keep cattle-prodding Walker to keep screaming about the ACA because much of it is funded by a tax on the country’s tiny percentage of ultra-rich people like them. That’s why Charles and David pretty much invented the Tea Party: they believe they’re taxed enough already. Follow the money!

Poor Scott. He thought being the Koch brothers’ handpicked favorite would make him a magnet for the TP voter wing of the GOP.

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I didn’t realize that! Had to look it up. Not only Stephen Stills and Neil Young, but also Jim Messina. Interesting…

“We were told if Republicans got the majority in the United States Senate, there would be a bill on the president’s desk to repeal Obamacare. It is August. Where is that bill? Where was that vote?”

Does he expect Obama would sign it like the last 50+ repeal attempts at the tune of tens of millions of dollars wasted to boot? All the while the GOP tells there is no money for the people’s needs. Liars.

McConnell is a big problem though and one that should have been kicked out on his ass in the last election. He is seditious.


Was just microwaving lunch in the break room and saw that Fox is basically pushing “WALKER IS TOTALLY IN THE MIDDLE OF A COMEBACK!” narrative.

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Nailed it, plucky.

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My mind went there too.

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Nice sarcasm, Blue.

The day after the election in 2012 Limbaugh came out with this comment:

“It is to stop Barack Obama. It is to stop the Democrats,” Limbaugh
said on his show Wednesday about Republicans’ agenda. “There is no
other reason why Republicans were elected yesterday. Republicans were not
elected to govern.”

“How can you govern with a president that is demonstrably lawless when
he thinks he has to be?” Limbaugh continued. “The Republican Party
was not elected to fix a broken system or to make it work. The Republican Party
was not elected to compromise. The Republican Party was not elected to sit down
and work together with the Democrats.”

This shows the intent of the republicans was to do not one goddam useful thing because they surely listen to Saint Limbaugh and his prognostications. And this is pretty much what has transpired since that election. So “serious work”? PFFFFfffftttt!!!one23!! Heh!

“We were told if Republicans got the majority in the United States Senate, there would be a bill on the president’s desk to repeal Obamacare. It is August. Where is that bill? Where was that vote?"

This is nothing more than raw meat for the base. Gnarl, chomp, chomp. The statement itself is logic-free.

C’mon, Scotty. GO RABID

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If Republicans got the majority in the United States Senate, there would be a bill on the president’s desk to repeal Obamacare. It is August. Where is that bill? Where was that vote?”

Hurry, somebody please tell Scotty, before he makes a fool out of himself, that there were 56 such votes, all failed and just this summer the Supreme Court upheld the ACA. OOPS! I guess it’s too late for that warning.

Maybe, if he had stayed in school a little longer, he would be able to read and keep up with things.


Even one of there own sez they cant govern.

Odd statement for him to make considering that he stands for nothing.


Guess he’s waiting for Trump and Cruz to implode and angling to pick up their supporters.

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