Discussion for article #239478
Pubs fighting Pubs! What fun!
Is Scotty still in the race?
Scott Walker: Mitch McConnell Is Part Of The Problem In Washington
Thanks Goofy!
Let us know when you’ve decided
who the problem is in Wisconsin
and be sure to get back to us when you do!
Feeling irrelevant Snott?
We were told if Republicans got the majority in the United States
Senate, there would be a bill on the president’s desk to repeal Obamacare. It is August. Where is that bill? Where was that vote?
That’s right!! Where’s the damn repeal vote??? Huh, huh?
AGRessively VAnilla sCott WaLKEr will SHOW YOU LIBTards SOmethING. I THink.
What it is ain’t exactly clear.
Here we go again… the call to arms from the silent majority who is so energized for Walker’s brand of tea-party Republican change that they barely make a sound, and then are unfairly ignored by everyone who questions whether they even exist. It’s called FAITH, I guess.
Walker is showing his desperation and fear. I love watching these inflated imbeciles explode.
"the “aggressively normal” candidate "
Unfortunately true. Only exceptional people can resist the lure of being bought with that much money.
“Yes, I hear it all the time, and I share that sentiment,” the Wisconsin
governor said. “We were told if Republicans got the majority in the
United States Senate, there would be a bill on the president’s desk to
repeal Obamacare. It is August. Where is that bill? Where was that
Scotty is such a dim bulb. Doesn’t he know the House voted 50+ times to repeal/defund the ACA? And if the Senate were to concur that Obama would just VETO it? Does this guy not get how bills are made???
Poor Scott Walker–he’s been reduced to Becking.
LOL this will help the sell down-ticket races.
But there’s a man with a gun over there (where! There! Here comes Jeannie with her new boyfriend), telling you, you got to beware.
I’d call Scotty an “aggressive dim bulb”. That’s somebody who generally is willfully ignorant. Of course in Walkers case we have a true dim bulb.
Without McConnell, the Republican Party might’ve capitulated years ago.
And Walker bringing up, repeal, as his talking point is almost ludicrous. He was almost repealed because of really shitty political practices and he only survived because of some really shitty political practices.
He survived but his legacy lives on and follows him just like his ass. The fact that it isn’t being mentioned yet much is testament to the fact that he isn’t worrying any of the other players in his Party and they aren’t wasting time disparaging the guy in 8th place or worse. They have a much greater problem and a much bigger jerk (Trump) to tackle than Scott Boring Stiff Walker.
If and when Walker gets out of the cellar, it will be obvious because the dirt piled up on him will bury him and his Kock loving self for eternity or at least until there is a repeal attempt on Obamacare by McConnell, DOH!!!.
Let’s give Walker credit where credit is due. We all know that Mitch McConnell is part of the problem in Washington.
The part I don’t get is where Walker thinks that McConnell is somehow going to overcome a Democratic filibuster to pass a bill repealing the ACA.
I think it’s time we stop, children, what’s that sound everybody look what’s going down…on Glenn Beck’s radio show!
“Yes, I hear it all the time, and I share that sentiment,” the Wisconsin governor said. “We were told if Republicans got the majority in the United States Senate, there would be a bill on the president’s desk to repeal Obamacare. It is August. Where is that bill? Where was that vote?”
The above is one of the biggest problems in the R Party. He knows McConnell doesn’t have the votes in the Senate, and he knows voting for or against it would hurt the 2016 prospects of blue and purple state senators like WI Sen. Ron Johnson. He damn well knows that even if McConnell could somehow magically get a repeal vote passed, Obama would gleefully veto it. Despite knowing these things he still puts it out to the base that somehow McConnell isn’t doing enough to stop Obama. You wanna know why Trump, Cruz, and Carson are leading in the polls? Because people like Scott Walker keep telling the base that establishment figures like himself refuse to do the impossible.