Discussion for article #228489
If Walker thought it would win him an election he would be having gay sex in church.
Nice little concession speech, fucker. Get ready to deliver another one in about a month.
If you are against same sex marriages then do not may a person of the same sex.
The show is over but if I am reelected and the Birchers/Koch’s willing, we will fight a guerrilla war. We will join our friends on the ObamaCare, Social Security and Medicare fronts.
…with a KochBoy.
Scotty the right doesn’t like quitters unless your name is Palin.
The fight over gay marriage in Wisconsin has been over for a long time. Scott Walker refused to acknowledge the obvious and continued to waste our tax-dollars defending a law that was clearly unconstitutional.
One can only hope that his comments will piss off enough of the wingnuts so that they stay home in a fit of pique on election day.
I wonder what it feels like to lose out on the opportunity to oppress an entire class of people. He looks bummed out.
Honestly he’s probably relieved. It means his asshole of an AG will have to give up his own tilting at windmills.
I know…seems so simple, doesn’t it!
I guess the word is out not to diss the supreme court this time.
I was wondering/hoping something similar in another thread. Will the deep-seated opposition to marriage equality raise the profile of folks like Santorum while diminishing the electoral prospects of guys like Walker and Christie who threw in the towel? Will base voters sit out 2014 in order to punish Walker for not fighting hard enough? It seems pretty logical to me that the most rabid Republicans aren’t going to except that the SCOTUS has spoken on this issue anymore than they were willing to accept their decision on Obamacare.
Gay marriage is the law of the land. So is the ACA-the Supreme Court ruled it was constitutional-so Walker should accept it as well. Time for conservatives to actually be conservative; i.e. conserve the laws that are in place today. When it comes to new laws we can have a debate, but what is here today must stand.
Tilting as Scottie held his horse. Assholes both.
Wanker never had prospects, still lingering in single digits in his own party.
When in the world has the law of the land stopped conservatives from railing against it? For that matter, when has the law of the land stopped Democrats from railing against legislation with which they disagree? Republican base voters aren’t going to lay down and accept that yet another class of people will soon enjoy at least some of the same equality they are afforded. They will want a candidate who will take up the fight against windmills, against history. They’ve been on the wrong side of history, of the law of the land, since slavery. They’re not likely to stop now.
Is it still illegal for Walker to be married to both Koch brothers?
If there were only a formula for this!!!