Discussion: Scott Walker: Gay Marriage Fight 'Over In Wisconsin'

The Kochs don’t care about Gay Marriage. Doesn’t affect their profits.

It might, however, motivate a substantial minority to come out to oppose Scooter Walker if he made a big public Waaaah about the Supreme Court ruling.

Scooter is smart enough to quickly admit “defeat” on this issue and move on to oppressing those sluts who want effective birth control and safe abortions. That keeps his Christianist bloc happy, and won’t cost Scooter votes from from too many women, since single women are one of the easiest voting groups to suppress with bureaucracy and negative ad strategies.

I wouldn’t be surprised in the Supremes were told to refuse to hear all the Gay Marriage challenges simply to reduce the energy level in the organized GLBT community.

Just remember Wisconsin voters, Walker took away the unions proud public sector collective bargaining rights. It was the first state in the country to give those rights to workers in 1959…a proud and progressive heritage. If Walker gets re-elected…you’ll end up like Michigan as a “right-to-work” (for less) state. Count on that being his immediate move after the election if he survives. Vote Walker out of office! He’s killing open democracy in your beautiful state.

Michigan…a pro-union state was made a right-to-work state after our legislature bum-rushed a law in the lame duck session that many still today leaves them with a bitter taste not easily forgotten. Remember, resentment is a great motivator.


No kidding. It’s been over three quarters of a century and they are still trying to undo the New Deal.


Jumping the broom for money is way more tolerated than doing it for love.

He’s strangling several sectors of the Wisconsin public, some haven’t even noticed it yet.

…whichever way the wind blows.

He’s been doing that for four years.

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Depends on Wisconsin law. Corporations may be people, but the Koch brothers aren’t.

He’ll figure out a way to waste money on RWNJ court battles once this election is over. Needs them social-warrior points for the '16 primaries.

Cross gay marriage off the list. Now Walker will have to find a new contrived issue with which to push the fear button on his moron base.

Not likely. Anger motivates conservatives to go out and vote. It motivates liberals to stay home and sulk.

As a Badger I love when a Michigander cite our proud common heritage towards workers, including the battle of River Rouge, MI in 1937. Wisconsin was also the first state to enact WC in 1911 and UC in 1932.

I’m with you all the way…
This still inspires me!

and this:

If all those that were motivated then got out to vote in November (and remembers how far Walker has taken them down the rathole) Wisconsin will revert back to its days of grandeur and its unique sense of liberalism.


Unless you are Michele Bachman.

BTW, did you know that Michigan is one of only two states in the entire country that cannot compel FOIA requests made of its Governor, any of its Legislators or their staff? I learned that on MIchigan Public Radio this wkend. That’s outrageous. Trust me…the Republican held legislature and Governor Snyder have absolutely no interest in changing that law either. Very clearly it protects corruption at the highest level. Its also no wonder the news media in Michigan is so hard pressed to unearth major conflicts of interest and other forms of corruption among our politicians here. I forgot when they said that law was put into effect. I’ll have to do some research on that.

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Conservatives believe in respecting the law. Those folks are, by definition, not conservatives, but, rather, bomb-throwing anarcho-communists.

Well the flood gates were opened by our backwards SC. MI took it to another level I guess.

“Several other states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Tennessee, impose similar geographic restrictions”

It’s only a matter of time before Reince Priebus says the Republicans were for gay marriage the whole time. It was the Democrat Party that stood in the way! Seriously. No, I’m serious.


beam me up, scottie,

ben dover

[quote=“Lestatdelc, post:23, topic:11268”]
They are still trying to undo the New Deal.[/quote]

And virtually every other government initiative that enacts even the tiniest regulation of corporate and business desire.

“One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project, most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can’t afford it.” — Ronald Reagan, 1961, in a recorded speech produced for the American Medical Association

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