Discussion: Scott Sues, Claiming ‘Fraud,’ As He Loses Ground In Florida Senate Race

I’m not scared. It’s Trump who is scared and proving how weak he is with these temper tantrums. He’s as scary as a 2 year old who didn’t get his own way.


“If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”

Frum of all people should’ve known better than to word that in the future tense but yeah - point taken…


How do write-in candidates with 0 votes show up in the list?

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I hope you’re right, but I don’t think it’s any skin off his dome to jump up and down and sue if there’s even a whiff of a chance that he loses.

Rick Scott really is Lex Luthor. He even looks like Lex.

He has some competition on that with Whitmore on the scene.

Where have we seen this before? Hmmmm…

Is a 5-4 SCOTUS decision to STOP THE VOTE COUNT far behind?

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Yes, as a matter of fact he was!


Lying, cheating, and stealing are features of white-collar criminal Scott…not a bug. He should have gone to jail for defrauding Medicare, not paid a fine. He might be exhibiting better behavior now if he had. Shameful.


I have to say that Broward County is always the last to come in. The big three counties in South Florida, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach are very, very large. I am not surprised that counting the mail in ballots can be slow. Each ballot has to be hand fed into a machine. There aren’t that many poll workers. Some of the ballots coming in the last days before the election are probably still being entered into the system. Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dad counties are very, very blue. Scott has reason to worry. So does DeSantis.

So far I haven’t heard anything that would lead me to believe there is any cheating going on. The process is just slow.


White, middle-aged thugs in golf pants, polo shirts, and boat shoes.

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That only works once. Then people realize what happened and they can’t pull it off again.


I hope we learned our lesson in the 2000 Fla recount. Gore was trying to be all civil and respectful of the process, while the streets were mobbed with paid Repube thuggish agitators in, yes, golf pants, salmon pink polo shirts, and boat shoes. Never again should we be civil and respectful while the other side is using mob violence.


We seem to be fighting this time instead of letting them run over us while we say: Excuse me I hate to bother you but I think there may be a problem.

Looks to me like we are not letting them get away with this shit anymore, for the most part.


There is a date by which, according to Florida law, the county’s results have to be in to the state or they’re disregarded. I saw it quoted on Twitter, I believe it’s 10 days after the election. The person citing it was trying to make the point that that wouldn’t be enough time for a proper recount if that was strictly followed, but my understanding is that a recount only happens after the initial certification. It should be plenty enough for the initial count, unless Scott manages to slow it down in court enough that they can’t all be done by then. Which is presumably why he’s trying to do so.


In some states you have to register and qualify in order to be an official write-in candidate. You can’t just write in anyone’s name, it won’t count.

If history is any indication, there is fraud. And its Republican fraud.

On election night in 2000, there were over 10,000 absentee ballots that were “duplicated” after tabulating equipment determined them to have been “overvoted.” These “recreated” ballots were then tabulated by the machine as ballots with legal votes on them – and it was these duplicated ballots that were counted during the statewide machine recounts. NO ONE – including the media, ever verified that the original ballots had legal votes that matched the duplicate ballots.

And in a few counties, the results of this duplication process yielded highly suspicious results. Specifically, in GOP controlled Escambia County, over 2400 absentee ballots counted by machine as overvoted were “duplicated”, leaving only 296 absentee ballots that were actually overvoted.

There are two massive problems with this. First, the statewide percentage of similar overvoted ballots that yielded votes was 16%. But 90% of Escambia County’s overvoted absentee ballots yielded votes.

Second, NONE of Escambia’s “unrecoverable” overvoted absentee ballots were marked for only 2 candidates; all 296 unrecoverable ballots were marked for 3 or more candidates. Statewide, 50% of the similar overvoted ballots were marked for only 2 candidates.

This was fraud, pure and simple. And since they got away with it in 2000, what are the odds that Escambia’s GOP election officials won’t try the same thing again?

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This is why you don’t call a race until the denser, urban center are finished. There are just way more voters there


So, with zero votes they went to the bother of registering but didn’t even vote for themselves?

The discrepancy between the Senate and Governor’s race is odd. I have a hard time imagining people voting for Nelson AND DeSantis, or voting for Nelson and leaving the Governor’s race blank.

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There were several other candidates for governor who got a fairly substantial number of votes (not a ton, but in the thousands), while there weren’t any in the Senate race. Presumably most of those came from Gillum, since Scott got about the same number as DeSantis (though there were the missing Senate votes in Broward, so there may have been some Nelson-DeSantis ticket splitters as well).