Whompity whomp whomp whomp.
No fraud, no fraud, you are fraud!
Rick Scott basically has to make the claim that it is improbable beyond a reasonable doubt that Florida officials are kind of inept and tardy in performing their duties. Good luck convincing anybody of that.
Now is the time for Very Serious Pundits to say that the vote should be stopped and a winner declared Right Now so we won’t have a OMG Constitutional Crisis.
I still have stains on my walls from my head exploding repeatedly in 2000.
Jesus, I am so sick of them.
“Forget it, Jake, it’s Florida.”
FLORIDIANS know RICK SCOTT…He is the carper bagger who came to FLORIDA after being charged with MEDICARE fraud., in INDIANA/KENTUCKY, he escaped prosecution by taking the 5th against ‘self-incrimination’… rumour has it he has profited handsomely from his term in office…he has enormous wealth, and spends it on whatever ?..He lives in NAPLES., FLORIDA… known as the white crime capitol of the world.
This tweet strings starts out with the press making Donald’s caravan crap front center.
To any GOPer, “Counting the votes= Voter Fraud”!
The more votes you count, the less chance republicans have. Never a good sign for a party.
Never ending stream of derp and bullshit.
And they’ve known that for decades. They didn’t take up voter suppression for nutin’.
If you can’t win with the votes, win it in the courts. Scalia and SCOTUS stained this country forever in 2000 and the trend continues on the Republican side. What is the problem with just making sure you have an accurate vote count, Scott?
Imagine if these stories occurring in FL and GA were happening in Ukraine - all of the bloviating pundits would be talking about the stealing of the election and the obvious corruption. When it happens in America, the majority just nod and keep on talking about the horse race. IT is like their brains won’t allow them to see what is happening right in front of their eyes.
We interrupt our regularly-scheduled Trump Lie to bring you this Public Service Announcement:
The Florida Republican Playbook- sue to STOP the votes from being counted.
please, please, please let Scott lose !
We need lefty protesters on the ground in Broward and Palm Beach counties now!
There’s no doubt conservatives will astroturf in an army of conservative protesters asap to try to shout everything down, just like they did last time. We have to be ready to push back. No f’ing way we can let them steal this.
Translation: “I’m losing so must stop votes being counted so I can win!”
I’m sounding like a broken record but even after 2010 gerrymandering and voter suppression, the Republicans know they can’t win without cheating. They know more people will vote Democratic when they think their vote will matter. So, the only way Republicans can win is cheat. And they know it.