What are you SUING for? That every vote counts??? Or is that only BEFORE the election? Why are you and Kemp so fking SURE you won? Did you think the fix was THAT good?
I can see how this will play out in court. “We got all this, like… evidence…”
Can we expect pleas for Civility™ from CNN again this time?
One of the good outcomes of Florida 2000 is the development of blogs like TPM. People like Josh, his colleagues and his followers/subscribers make it much more difficult to steal an electoral count. Rove and his gang controlled the discussion in 2000; Scott is not going to find it as easy to pull his “stop the count” bullshit this time, thanks to TPM, et.al. It appears that it will take another round of electoral malfeasance for the cable news networks to catch up, and begin to turn a light on the cockroaches milling around the state capitals mucking up the electoral process. If we had to depend on TV news to know about the likes of Kemp, Scott, and Kovach, we might know only what Fox wants us to know.
Finally, what’s with Scott’s characterization of opponents as “ragtime liberals?” Sounds awfully blackface and ugly to me.
It’s times like this that I really wish that the Liberal Mob was a real thing…
Love it. Calling in fire on his own position. Fire for effect!
Scott’s loathsome crookedness has not diminished with the passage of time.
Rick Scott really is Lex Luthor. He even looks like Lex.
“If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”
– David Frum
He’s finally claiming he’s a fraud?
But less bright.
Citing the uncitable Bush v Gore, Scott said the renowned Supreme Court decision clearly established the precedent that vote counting in Florida must stop when there is a substantial risk that further counting could lead to the electoral loss by the ® candidate.
To understand Florida, you need to realize that Carl Hiassen isn’t writing fiction.
The Republican Universe: Democratic Win = Corrupt Election
Is there a deadline by which ballots actually & conventionally cast must stop being counted? if there might be such a thing, hard to imagine that it would be something that would be this ridiculously quick - the election system has been notoriously antiquated - so to think that an election where voting stopped on Tuesday evening November 6th would have a legitimate reason that all counting / tabulation would have to immediately halt 48 hours later is just absurd … actually it is just an disingenuous gambit on Scott’s part - he knows that if all of the legitimately cast ballots are counted - he will not come out on top … and quite possibly, he knows that if a genuine recount is done - it may uncover some manipulations that were made to provide him with a win - and a win large enough to avoid a nosy recount. This is where it all gets a bit smelly … a little surprise can be just that - a surprise … but a really big unanticipated result might be worth subjecting to some serious scrutiny - Scott is as dishonest as the day is long and would have absolutely no problem cheating in an election.
The word he used was “rag-tag.”
Shoe on the other foot there, Mr. Scott?
So it’s the dirty fucking hippies this time…
Yeah, come on guys! Can’t you just count the ballots that have my name checked. This isn’t fair!
Seriously though, this is some Trump logic here.