Discussion: Scott Jennings’ PR Firm Played Big Role In Phillips-Sandmann Spin

“Extended video has muddied the story, as it backs up student Nick Sandmann’s claim that he was approached by Omaha elder Nathan Phillips, not the other way around.”

From the article.

Really funny. The extended video has not “muddied” the story. It has “muddied” the librul line, fer sher. Now, libruls have to admit that “backs up student Nick Sandmann’s claim that he was approached by” the Indian guy.

It’s clear who the aggressor was. Now we know, certainly, that it was the Indian guy. The Indian guy says he moved in to defuse the situation. That’s likely true. BUT HE WAS THE ONE MOVING IN.

In basketball, a charging foul is assessed when a person holding a position is run over by the other player.

The Indian guy gets the charging foul.

And all the librul bleating and whining and kvetching and moaning will not change that.

You know if these kids were Black or Latino-they would be called thugs but because they re white-you can figure it out from there.

A crucial point.


It goes way beyond this incident. How many pictures of Covington Catholic’s students painting themselves black and harassing a black basketball player from another team viciously on the sideline does the school need to see? How many pictures of their lily white basketball team with half of them flashing White Power signs do they need to see?

I remember when young Christians wore red wrist bands that allowed them to ponder “What Would Jesus Do?”. Now they wear the red on their head and it says Make America Great Again while they block a Native American singing holy songs from advancing… yet again. I admit it, I’m steamed.


Sandman: Tamar Rice says hi.

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The Black Israelites were totally obnoxious for close to two hours.

  1. A couple of the Native Americans doing their thing in the same general area for the entire two or so hours came over individually, watched and listened for a moment and then rejoined their group ignoring the increasingly incendiary declarations coming from those fools.
  2. The Covington boys began gathering for their bus(es) and milled around the street preachers, gathered their group courage to cat call and engage with the loud mouths. They got themselves really wound up to the point of jumping up and down, calling out in a chorus, and laughing maniacally. Their lack of decent behavior and sense of preservation were on full display. Mr. Phillips saw both the bad behavior and the impending bad result. He tried to be the peacemaker.

I suggested that CardiB do a remake of that song.

Don’t feed the troll.

Takes up too much time and space.


A suitable outcome would be that none of these boys be accepted to university. Seniors in that crowd should have their acceptances revoked if they’ve already received them. Attending the local Community College for two years might even help them rejoin decent society. OTOH, they could get arrested for DUI, possession, and/or sexual assault.

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OTOH, they could get arrested for DUI, possesion, and/or sexual assault.

And wind up being the keynote speaker at the next Republican national convention.


The furthering Trump-ification of the US. There were some “very fine people” among those assholes.

Other videos are coming in about the Covington “boys” - I should have figured misogyny would not be far behind racism.

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NPR did the same dumb thing the other day as Jennings defended the GOP “strategy” re Trump Shutdown.

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I took a Native American Spirituality class at a school run by Jesuits.

They would have been appalled by this behavior too.

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You can spin spin spin but mommy and daddy will be paying for Nicky for the rest of his life. The vidya is out there, his name is out there, his parents remarks and his remarks are forever out there for anyone to see—employers, admissions, anyone who does a background check on Nick Sandmann will be able to see for themselves who Nick is and what he believes. And then the employers and admissions folks will decide if they want to add Nick to their organization. And let me tell you as a parent of two high school students–it is super competitive out there. It is competitve if you have money, if you are a legacy, if you are going for scholarship money, good jobs and promotions. It’s so competitive out there people who choose are looking for an easy “No”, they are relieved when they have a good reason to deny someone. NIce work Covington Catholic and Mr and Mrs Sandmann. MAGA!


Alas, wingnut welfare will help jim out. An intership with a safe red congressman, Liberty U…


he was approached by the elder in a non-hostile peaceful way - the kid was all aggro and attitude and handled it badly
the sleaze continues

you win today

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pbs is running an interesting series right now called
Dictator’s Playbook
examining dictators around the world and looking at the similar instruments used to keep them in power


I prefer this article from Salon, it speaks most closely to my own thinking on this matter.


It was misogyny first, after all. They were there as an all-male school to protest women’s bodily autonomy.

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