To quote the only Senate incumbent to lose their seat in 2012: “bqhatevwr”
OT but congrats on a truly hideous avatar @jurisgal
I lost my lunch seeing it. Just like always.
Looks like he’s been sucking down the many delicious Sauvignon Blancs and Pinot Noirs (Marlborough) on a pretty regular basis.
Scott Brown --seldom right but never uncertain.
I finally retired Rumsfeld & Saddam, they were , to me, the perfect way to sum up the W years and SHS is the perfect way to sum up the trump admin.
I know,but that fuschia dress is hideous…
So glad my tax dollars can help him have an extended vacation in a place I’ll probably never see.
Empty suit endorses same.
I love Colbert’s description: “She’s the preschool Mom whose kid bit your kid.”
Hideous dress, hideous person.
She’s like the anchor woman on CBN. Watched that a bit at lunch today. Selling total BS and she knows it.
To his credit, he does sound significantly less drunk in these tweets.
But I apologize to the people of NZ and Samoa for his presence, nonetheless.
What do you mean? By Trump appointee standards, they hit the jackpot.
bqhatevwr…I almost needed some covfefe to get through this article.
I care not, about Scott Brown. That is all.
I’m still in the US but had funny reading these…
If anyone needs encouragement to run for state office. It was only 7 years ago that Brown was an attorney doing home mortgage closings and a backbench minority party state senator, since then he has been a US Senator and now Ambassador to Paradise - good work if you can get it.
In the Trump administration there are winners and there are losers. Brown is a winner. The rest of us, who have to put up with Trump on a daily basis are losers. SAD.
And holy shit I saw this cartoon about Macron,
assumed it was about the French president, googled to be sure and found out the story of his wife. Yikes!
I wonder where T rump’s Ambassador of Religious Freedom will end up. NZ doesn’t have too much religion to speak of. Most Kiwis are already free.