Discussion: Scientific American Editor: Fox Told Me I Couldn't Talk About Climate Change

Discussion for article #222202

Fox News where the truth goes to die.


He shouldn’t have participated. By agreeing to censorship he legitimizes Fox News propaganda. What do scientists at Scientific American think are future trends? Well, climate change isn’t something the smart guys are thinking about so why should you? This guy should take a shower for having agreed to that.


Why would Fox care about anything that happens in the future since they all believe everything great about America happened 60 years ago?


perhaps what he should have done was bring up climate change anyway. Is this gab fest live, 5 second delay or taped? If it’s either of the first two the worst that could have happened is that he would never be invited back. Like that’s a bad thing. If it’s taped he could say it was edited out. He’s with S A a very well respected mag. They’re fux spews.


30 +/- years ago, when St Ronnie walked the white house

Fox can’t antagonize their alternative reality audience by letting a fact go out on their airwaves


Moyer did a tremendous disservice to the scientific community and to himself by agreeing to Fox’s censorship. If he’d had even a particle of intellectual integrity and a spine he would have told the Fox idiots to go fuck themselves and left the set.


there is a conspiracy theory making the the rounds that MH370 had 20 Freescale engineers on board (which is true) and the plane’s disappearance is connected to some patent that several of them held regarding stealth technology. Apparently they were supposed to be on separate flights but those flights were cancelled and they all ended up on one flight. (That’s where the conspiracy theory begins)

I love that even the makeup girl at Fox is crazy (or else she has to be careful to convince Roger Ailes that she’s crazy in order to hang on to her job). It’s a closed little world over there, and quite a creepy, strange, supernatural one at that.


I don’t think very many people, if asked in the 1980s, would have predicted the Propaganda organ FOX “news” and its devastating effectiveness.

Think about what FOX has done

(1) Fanning the residual racism present in American life
(2) Misinforming millions
(3) A generation of Americans become Right Wing automatons

I could go on, but, at this point, the massive damage almost defies calculation.

A modern society depends on a functioning Fourth Estate, because the productive citizen needs to be at least partially informed about the events and issues of the day.

What FOX has done has been to do two devastating things.

(1) First, the aforementioned propaganda

(2) Second, and far more devastating…FOX has placed front and center the idea of politicizing of the news; the idea that every factoid hitherto called “news” can aggressively be shaped, described and disseminated from the prism of a political slant. This means that, for Americans, the world is now a sensory experience of slant and propaganda, rather than (commonly held) information.

The majority of whites over 50 are lost to FOX. Tens of millions under that age have succumbed. The only cohorts (mainly younger people) which have resisted FOX are not voting.

How many people have strived and died for things like racial justice, economic opportunity, unity among Americans?

Thanks to FOX, they may have died in vain.


Fox News: Where the facts are made up and the truth doesn’t matter.


Many of them think America was a utopia in the 1950s. They like Reagan, but they don’t canonize the 80s themselves.

I’ll make two predictions about the future: 1)Michael Moyer will never be asked back to talk on Fox and Friends after they read his Tweets. and 2) Fox News will continue to misinform people in the USA for years and years to come.


News and truth go together at Fox like fish and bicycles…

Agree. He should have walked out when it was clear he would be censored.


He should have said OK, then brought it up, and if there was protest then walked off.

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Oh, please. Fox averages less than than 2 million viewers a day. The highest rated show on Fox for Monday was The O’Reilly Factor which had 2,208,000 viewers. There’s no way the majority of whites over 50 watch Fox or they have tens of millions of viewers.


Thanks for a cold blast of sanity. I find it interesting that, in criticizing Fox for making things up, it is OK to make stuff up that is just as ludicrous.

I would submit that Fox’s world is anything but supernatural. More like melting plastic smelling up the place with toxic fumes and polluting everything in range.