Discussion: Schweitzer Apologizes For 'Stupid And Insensitive Remarks'

Discussion for article #224146

So, not only does he casually hurl sexist and homophobic remarks like a Republican, he offers up apologies that indicate no understanding of the reason why what he said was wrong like a Republican.


Schweitzer and Perry ought to form a group together called “Oops”.


Too late, Brian. The douche is already out of the bag.


Not another progressive hero like Anthony Weiner, struggling and apologizing at every turn.

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Spin. Deflect. Repeat


In Park City, UT. I guess he thought he was in Jackson Hole with the Cheneys.


Well, I think he might have done this on purpose: the get the Duck Dynasty voters going for him. Wants to get down to the icky GOP level and win their voters.

ot-nay oo-tay ight-bray, it seems.

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I heard someone here in Montana say there were two things you
never want to do. Get between a grizzly and her cubs or between
Schweitzer and a TV camera. I just don’t remember his ever saying
something this insensitive or stupid as governor. That was always
reserved for our former republican senator Conrad Burns.


I see no indication he’s apologized to Senator Feinstein. She draws a lot of heat because she’s a woman, a conservative Democrat, she’s aging and makes a convenient target Besides, an apology on Facebook? Whoever’s been offended has to go find it instead of the offender handling it personally. Tacky.


I’m a few years older than the governor. I’ve stuck my foot in my mouth my fair share of times.

people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones … and let he who is without sin… well I think you know what I mean.

I won’t pile on…

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When does he apologize for those sideburns?


Just saw Elizabeth Warren on Hardball.

She says all the right things. Not presidential things, but things that will support a democratic president and move us in another direction.


good grief, i had missed the feinstein comment. what a friggin jackass. he just needs to go back to montana and annoy the people there; we certainly don’t need another cretin on the national political scene.


I know this was discussed on the earlier thread but again…where does this notion come from that this guy is a progressive?? When asked about gun control, his reply was “you control your gun and I will control mine”. He considers Mitt Romney a close personal friend and thinks he is so much warmer than Obama, who he considers a wooden board. He is a strong advocate for fossil fuels, and…as demonstrated again by this latest faux pas, has serious issues with homosexuality.

There isn’t a single thing I have read or heard that indicates he is a progressive.I get that he is more liberal than most politicians in Montana, but he is trying to play on the national stage now. The rating scale changes.


Calling someone you don’t even know gay, and then carrying it further to call every male in the South gay, in an interview as part of a ramp up for a presidential run isn’t sticking your foot in your mouth.

Its chewing your entire leg off.

And yes, poor impulse control is one of the things that voters evaluate. So its not just a let bygones be bygones type of thing. Shoot, I would go so far as to say its a voter’s civic duty to evaluate and discuss the remarks of candidates.

So please…lose the living in glass houses metaphor. Its not even remotely applicable here.


Well, she also draws a lot of valid criticism, too. Particularly with regards to the issue he was trying to address. (which he did so in perhaps the worst possible way). Her little outburst when she found out that the NSA was potentially spying on HER, after years of supporting them spying on everyone else, was classic hypocrisy.

That being said, I agree a facebook apology is pretty lame.

Your metaphor (s) were wrong, and it’s pretty clear that you don’t get why they were wrong, former Governor Schweitzer.

Now can the press stop covering him? He wouldn’t even run for the Senate, and isn’t a serious candidate, and we all know this.

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Well, good for you, then.

Schweitzer isn’t a private citizen. He’s actively seeking attention. Repeatedly. He wasn’t caught in a “private moment” saying this crap–he went out of his way to spread homophobia and smear Senator Feinstein. So thanks for the “glass houses” reminder, but that doesn’t apply in this instance.

He looked for attention, he said things that were going to get more attention, and, mission accomplished.