You can find videos online of people walking into fountains in shopping malls or walking off a cliff while looking down. I look over at people stopped at a red light, they’re looking down, light turns to green, they accelerate without any awareness of what else might be there. If they accelerate at all, I should add.
It’s a “thorn IN WH’s side.” Not ‘on.’
To be ‘on [somebody’s] side’ means you’re on the same side of the conflict as they are. Schumer and his ‘vintage’ flip phone aren’t on the same side in the border wall fight.
I have quite enjoyed Schumer’s floor speeches since the new Congress was sworn in. The shutdown ended because the GOP Senators got wobbly. Their wobbliness came from the fact that Schumer kept the caucus in line and was trolling the GOP every chance he got. He acted like he was playing with house money as the GOP was making it easier to get top recruits and big time money to run against GOP incumbents. We’re going to get top tier recruits in AZ, CO, NC and GA. This shutdown made our chances of winning all 4 a lot higher. That leaves IA, ME, AK and possibly KS (if that racist nutter Kobach runs for the seat), TX and MT.
Really well-written and interesting article Lisa!
Have we even talked about Senator Bennett’s info- blast on Democrats and border security and how we used to think that the barely-recognizable Ted Cruz used to represent the extreme right won’t of the party? There are about 11 campaign talking points about border security in Bennett’s rebuttal… This should just be played on every jumbo Tron to warm up the crowds at Democratic campaign stops.
Can comfirm. I go to SF 2-3 times a year. You have to be paying attention for these phone bots–they are dangerous.
My wife still prefers her flip phone, has no desire for anything else. My brother uses me as his tech support, so I do have a smartphone, so I can take care of his. He’s a master builder, and always on the move, so haveing his notes, contracts, progress reports, subcontractors FEIN’s and insurance policies with him to check things, and to get his email all day wherever he is, matters. He and his girls also could FaceTime with my dad on dad’s computer frequently while dad was dying of Parkinson’s last year.
He wouldn’t know how to use Twitter, doesn’t follow news on his phone, has excellent phone manners and is teaching them to his girls, but he really couldn’t work without it. He used Palm Treo for years as well.
Different strokes for different folks.
Sometimes, a phone is just a phone.
In the old days ( last year ) you used a landline to call people . With these modern phones , the last thing you use them for is to call people .
Click bait. Schumer’s flip phone isn’t what is driving Trump nuts.
My objection to this is anything in technology that’s more than 4 years old is now vintage. I have a flip phone that I use when away from home just in case, landline and laptop at home.I don’t need to be receiving texts, tweets from 20 people. It only serves to clog up the brain with irrelevant junk.
I fully understand the usefulness of smartphones, one can store her life on it if she wants to, but we’re turning into a society of people who have turned away from people and instead fixate on a screen instead of each other. I have an uncomplicated life as a retiree so a simple phone handy for emergency calls, entirely affordable, but I do have neighbors, bless them, who’ll take a pic or something for me when it’s the thing I must do to satisfy somebody’s request.
Sometimes when I’m behind a car which doesn’t move when the light turns green, I know there’s a phone bot behind the wheel. Same thing when a car has the right of way at a stop sign, doesn’t move, and I’m left with to accelerate or not because they may rouse themselves at the same moment I do.
I couldn’t have said it better.
Although my primary issue is with the pedestrians who move into the street, viewing their phones, completely oblivious to the walk/don’t walk signals. Almost hit a guy who did that. Not good.
Culling of the gene pool. Survival of the fittest. Good for our future, like Schumpeter’s “creative destruction”.
After Backdown Donny’s rejection and dust up of his foreign policy delusions and border wall crisis fantasies by the U S Intelligence Agencies and 4 Star Military Intelligence Chiefs, Nancy needs to put some money in there for a Backdown Donny mental health intervention and fence around him.
Something else that disturbs me is watching a parent ignore the child sitting next to them as they scroll, swipe left or right or whatever, and the kid sits there probably having learned they get half an ear, so to speak, because parent would rather engage with a screen than the kid.
Television used to stand in for that behavior in a lot of homes back in the day.
We have to agree to disagree on this one. My dad couldn’t travel to couldn’t travel to California for,our legal wedding, I couldn’t travel to Florida to see him before he died, but the technology brought him to our wedding, and me to his home daily during his last two years with Parkinson’s.
Generalizations aren’t great ideas, and like everything else, it’s all in how you use it.
My wife, like you, doesn’t want any part of it. But also, like you, meds my help to get things done you can’t do otherwise. The entry process for the next art show she’s attempting to get in is a, on line. If I don’t take the photos of her work a small fill it in online, she can’t enter the show. I personally think they shouldn’t do that, bit they are.