I have a flip phone too. It’s fun to get a call when my nieces are around and announce, “Oh, that must be my CELLULAR PHONE!..Sorry haters, have to take this.”
Haha…nice one!
GOP has really upped the rhetoric, calling literally every Dem vote that doesn’t match the GOP agenda a far, far, radical left action. Nancy Pelosi is a radical far leftist. There really isn’t any room left (ha!) at the end of the hyperbole spectrum for them to position AOC as further left when Pelosi is a “radical far leftist”, but AOC is proposing a tax policy to the RIGHT of what prevailed during the 1950s cold-war era when Ike was president. Maybe it’s time we start calling everyone in the GOP a reactionary fascist thug. On second thought, that would just be accurate, so it’s not really the same, is it.
Once again - don’t conservatives think of the 50s as a time when America was great?
Policies and programs come and go.
The skills to hack a flip phone are much more rare and esoteric than to hack a smartphone.
Yeah, Schumer the troglodyte and the Luddite who doesn’t tweet stupid stuff 500 hundred times a day…
I have one too, I buy minutes from AT&T and the simplicity works for me. I don’t want to add to the army of phone bots which plague my city behind the wheel, crossing the street, and in general looking down at all times, ignoring all signs of life but what’s on the bleeping screen.
Makes me nervious when the msm starts fluffing a politico. Is it a beat sweetener or is it to build him up so he can cave and it seem the only reasonable thing to do?
Nicely written piece!
I turned on Ari’s show today for just a minute, and the first thing I read on the screen was “Dems divided.” I saw AOC talking and Schultz talking on a split screen , and it’s this kind of keep the shit stirred up which puts me off and I won’t watch.
Only because of Jim Crow, apparently.
In this context, “thorn in WH’s side” not “on WH’s side.”
The only question in my mind is how long it will take the Rethuglicans to eliminate the 60-vote rule for everything. Of course, I’m also hoping that they lose their majority in 2020, at which point the rules can be changed again.
Ari is must-watch teevee for all things Trump/Russia collusion or conspiracy.
It’s so obnoxious. People seem to have no self-awareness. Of how stupid they look, that is.
Schumer and Pelosi should carry the Democrat Caucus in the same NO WALL resistance to all the silly shit Trump wants too enact.
Just think if Nancy was Speaker in the 115th Congress versus wonky ass Ryan. There would be NO Trump tax bill!
And maybe just maybe we’d be rolling the Trump admin out of WH, into a fitted cage and throw away ALL keys!
I don’t remember exactly when I got mine, but even though I’d love to have some of the advanced features of the smart phones, I’m leery of the vulnerability of those things. Plus, this one is small enough to easily fit in a purse or a pocket. So for the time being, I’m keeping mine!!
They imagine it was great for all white Christian males and their hetero families, and presume that’s all who matter. They ignore, among many other problems, the thousands who came home from the Korean War with morphine addiction and undiagnosed PTSD and no treatment.
But at least Fifties Americans didn’t suffer the indignity of being scorned and dismissed for having an older generation of telephone.
I think even Mitch is a little skittish about going that far – he realizes that at some point – and maybe very soon – the Republicans will be in the minority in the Senate again, and they’d regret not having ANY power to slow or obstruct what they don’t like.
And it’s not like the Republicans have any legislation that they really, desperately, want to put through. Right now, the chief thing Mitch is interested in is being able to pack the courts with right-wingers.
I appreciate what Ari does, but I detest the both sides are at war with each other that cable likes to perpetuate.