Discussion: Schumer Says SCOTUS Nominee Gorsuch Dodged Tough Questions In Meeting

Well you realize that he’s going to get confirmed if the GOP nukes the filibuster. If they don’t, right now Schumer is saying they are going to need the supermajority - 60 votes.

Next move is the GOP’s. If they nuke the fililbuster, ok. That just means we have a much cleaner board to work with when we take back the majority next year.

Schumer is no Senator Reed. Would like to see more constructive, innovative leadership. Same old, same old is not going to win the battle in a time when change is in demand.

One point that it seems could have been no action on any activity by R’s until ethics questions are answered about President Trump - his taxes, his business interests, his Russian connections, his alt right connections, his sexual abuse charges, his “charity” spending, his wife’s law suit stating a news paper has reduced her ability to make a profit from being First Lady… The list goes on and on. If we do not have a president that holds the right to be president why would any of his appointments be considered. Way to much time being spent on the past (when the election went astray for the D’s) and not enough time spent on calling out the here and now.

Ok, I’m off my soap box - at lest for a short time.

Chuck, you never should have met with Gorsuch in the first place. It normalizes and rewards McConnell and the GOP for stealing a Supreme Court seat.

No Democrat should meet with any Trump nominee for any post, nor vote for cloture for any Trump nomination, nor vote to confirm any Trump nominee until Merrick Garland (or a similar justice chosen by Democrats) is renominated and seated.

Democrats should be practicing Total Obstruction and Total Resistance to Mitch McConnell’s Senate leadership and to the Trump agenda.

In fact, Senate Democrats should keep up the obstruction until McConnell is forced from the GOP leadership. McConnell’s metaphorical head should be the price he and the GOP have to pay for having obstructed Garland in the first place.

Show some fucking balls already, Chuckie. Voting against Elaine Chao was a good start. Now get the rest of the Senate Democratic caucus to follow suit.


Do you think a nominee would answer the question, "How would you vote in a repeal case of Brown v Board of Education? If the nominee answers that question, then the nominee should be required to answer any other “hypothetical” question, including Roe v Wade. There is absolutely no constitutional reason why the Senate and the American people shouldn’t have tbe right to these answers.

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What change do you want to see? What do you see as possible that Schumer and the Demcrats aren’t doing?

What part of 60 votes required did you miss? That is obstruction. Same kind the GOP used on Obama.

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Wow, I’m sure Gorsuch, Trump and the GOP are going to lose TONS of sleep over his “asterisk.” I mean, gee, you can just ignore a Supreme Court decision because of that asterisk, no??? Yeah, um, no…no you can’t.

The GOP are licking their lips at the damage they can “undo” by all those bleeding heart, care about other people, liberal judicial activists that have been tainting “our courts.”

(And gee, with Putin’s help, I’m sure a few more justices could die of “natural” causes opening up more slots to pack the court even further…) *&^%$#@!

lol…hey chuckie what part of “there is nothing you can do about it”…dont you understand?

everyone of the puppets picks get through…and they didnt even bother to respond/answer to ANYTHING they didnt want to.

maybe you should remind everyone how pushing the puppets privatization plan is such a good thing…

that nightly lol…you hear is coming from the oval office…

BTW…GREAT idea you had reminding everyone what the turtle and the republicans did to obamas picks…o…ahh…i think i have you confused with someone else

you are joking right?

it is NOT possible to damage someone who will get the job and the power that comes with it.

give me an example of how devos has been so tainted as it would affect the way she sees/does things that would differ from what is expected of her.


Congress might just hold up funding for her department. Basically however, she is so damn stupid that I don’t think she is going to even figure out how to work her desk.

And for god’s sake, the Democrats did everything they could to stop her from being confirmed. Pence had to break the tie and yeah that matters. If should matter to us that the Democrats forced that.

They are doing everything they can from the minority. When Congress was obstructing Obama, the GOP was the majority which makes it much easier. And when we get the majority back - boom.


Did Chuck Schumer not have other more important business to attend to?


totally agree

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The GOP should not be allowed to steal the seat that Dem earned last year.

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I see what you did there. Nice goalpost-moving, comrade.

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you know what you call a damaged/tainted 49 year old Supreme Court justice?

Your Honor.

And you call him that for 40 years.

tainted is cold comfort for me. see, e.g., Thomas.

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Well, of course, you don’t.

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Oh, the humanity.

Reid got blasted by supposed libs here all the time.

Schumer is doing a great job. I particularly love the look on his face as he looks at Gorsuch,


Seven are considering him!

The difference here is democrats are going to give him a hearing and vote him down! Pence can’t swing this vote!

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You joined the day after the election. What do you know and when did you know it?

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uk, here’s the way our system works: The sitting president nominates a Supreme Court justice and the Senate votes for or against him or her. Trump is now president, so it doesn’t matter anymore that the previous president nominated Garland.