I don’t like Gorsuch’s attitude.
On the liberal/conservative one-dimensional scale, Gorsuch is placed significantly to the right of Scalia, to the left of Thomas. His appointment to the bench, assuming he does not shift his views on the bench, would drastically skew the bench to the right, further than the living hell it was when Scalia was alive.
SCOTUS Liberal-Conservative Scale from Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, care of 538
It’s obvious the Democrats should filibuster Gorsuch’s nomination. They have literally nothing to lose.
The Republican Dodgers…never have to…say I’m sorry or answer a question they can’t answer honestly.
Thanks for that, interesting graph. Assuming that scale is right, and i’ve no reason to doubt it, then despite being more to the right he wouldn’t skew the bench at all over scalia. Scalia was 2nd most right, and Gorsuch would be the same. THere’d be no difference in outcome on left/right issues.
Unless the GOP Senate kills the filibuster, Gorsuch won’t be approved.
About time the filibuster is killed
Sorry, folks, but Schumer’s got the wrong end of the stick on this narrow subject. A nominee for the bench would never answer a question like, “How would you rule on such-and-such an issue?” Without a live case or controversy, and without hearing arguments, it would be highly improper for a judge to weigh in on one side or the other. That would be, quite literally, prejudice.
Don’t get me wrong - I don’t like this nominee one little bit, and I hope the Democrats make his confirmation as difficult as possible. But his failure to answer these kinds of questions is absolutely correct and proper.
The GOP is only interested in power and forcibly imposing its hated agenda and extremist nominees on the country. Thus, they will kill the filibuster when the Democrats use it. While it’s elimination benefits the GOP now, when the Democrats regain Congress and the presidency they will similarly benefit.
with regard to your last sentence, exactly right. its whole existence is ridiculous
Much as I agree this nominee is being considered for a stolen seat, I thought it was not appropriate for a judicial candidate to answer questions like that about cases that might come before his court. Where would i Have gotten that idea?
An illegitimate president appointing an illegitimate Supreme Court judge. What a sorry spectacle.
Some Republican senators met Garland. Did they “consider” Garland?
If anything, this sort of thing can help Democrats get material to use against Gorsuch while appearing to actually being serious in considering him (which is important to some people who shouldn’t matter as much as they do but sadly do, including certain voters and members of the press) while really they are going through the motions. Should they also just stay mute during committee hearings?
Schumer has been playing the game here for years, long opposing judicial nominees on ideological principle. He knows what he is doing.
Given the way things work in the current administration, I’m surprised Gorsuch offered Senator Schumer the courtesy of answering his questions at all.
For that matter, I’m not sure why he even bothered to show up. The Republicans aren’t going to let anything prevent them from seating this guy. Period.
No kidding. I’m willing to bet that his interpretation of how the Second Amendment applies to twenty first century America doesn’t include the word “militia” at all.
They did that after they’d made abundantly clear they wouldn’t vote on him, plastering the news with their nonsense reasoning. And they didn’t. Schumer has said no such thing. I agree he knows what he’s doing, but I don’t think he’s particularly good at it.
Why should we care what you think about our system?
Give me one good reason.
I agree with you, but I think that in addition, it is critical that Democratic Senators and Representatives show they can fight. If they do that, the grass roots will grow into tall grass for the 2018 midterms.
Only lying when his lips move. What a SCOTUS nominee!
As I have previously posted, no SCOTUS appointments until the '18 mid-terms so the voters can have their chance to express themselves regards Trump…GOP blocked everything Obama after '10 mid-terms. No playing ball with the Repubs now as GOP fired the first SHOTS.