Discussion: Schumer Knocks Trump's 'Inability To Clinch A Deal' Amid Shutdown

PuPPet misses the comforts of Trump Tower like an infant misses her blanket. He finds the WH “vexing and even a little scary” according to Michael Wolff. He’s afraid of being poisoned, won’t let housekeepers pick up his clothes and Wolff concludes “He is not going to succeed [though Wolff wanted him to]. This is worse than anyone thought.”

I had to give the book away because it was scaring and depressing me.


Right, just like David Boies insisted on handling the Bush v. Gore by himself in the Floridsa portion of the hearing, and got blown out of the courtroom by the Bush team.That was another case of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

This is the perfect soundbite. The guy who says he’s the king of deals can’t make a deal!


In so many ways

But now the bus full of Bozos is driving us of a cliff


What I can’t understand is why every news outlet isn’t running the 2011 video where Trump tells the interviewer that the President is to blame for any shutdown because it’s his job to bring people together --and-- the video of McCaskill proposing temporary legislation (as has been done before) to continue paying the military and providing death benefits, with McConnel objecting. Dems need more than just Chuck and Nancy to provide soundbites. Every Democrat should be out there saying the GOP is letting the military down. There are a dozen GOPers in the news cycle giving some version of the Dems are at fault story. Weak sauce, Dems.


So much winning


The democrats and GOP are squabbling like middle schoolers. It’s the perfect scenario for a leader …an adult that is, to step in and get the two sides talking to each other and not past each other. Trump had failed at this test of being presidential.


Forgot about Boies. Was the darling f the media at the time, walked on water, if memory serves me.

More of this please Chuck. Stick the knife in and twist, repeat. Reveal him for the fraud he is.

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Senator Schumer: I believe members of the minority party are allowed invited guests at the State of the Union, seated in the gallery.

Please invite Stormy Daniels. Thank you.


“Boastful buffoon” — that really nailed it.

Stick to Fox “News” … I’m sure you’ll find “Fair and Balanced” discussions on the pros/cons of Repug and Dem attempts to work out a solution that is best for our country. Good luck. Get back to us on that.

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Yeah on Saturday morning Joy Reid had 3 republican strategists on a panel whose marching orders were to never mention the word trump, only blame schumer for everything filibuster style.

Those were the hacks i was referring to. Obviously, that wasn’t clear.

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So we were told. They had me convinced that he was Clarence Darrow and Hammurabi redux. Not that he’s a bad guy (??), but the arrogance of expecting to bowl over a judge simply by superior intelligence is the height of stupidity.

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I really liked Chuck’s description of working with Orange Julius as ‘negotiating with a bowl of jello’.

Haven’t read a lot of Roth but I’m in awe of how can describe the occupier of the WH in terms no one else has. It seems to be more out of sorrow than any other emotion.