Trump definition of a deal is a agreement where he wins and the other side loses.
I wonder what would have happened if the Women’s March in DC had actually marched around the WH, and around and around? Would Donnie had been hiding under his desk?
This would have helped.
Umm that requires actual thought on trump part he doesn’t think and doesn’t like to work
darrtown, are you from the DOG STAR?!?
The right answer but too obvious. Maybe Schumer decided he can handle this alone. There’s always Robby Mook and HRC. They know how to lose when victory is within their grasp.
OK, I give up. What color is his skin? Not ashen,not ruddy, not tan, not orange (though his hair is).
I would say dark pink or light rose. Honestly, I’ve never seen anything like it.
Get Miller & Kelly out of the way & they can move forward.
Oh - and attach language to the CR that guarantees an up or down vote on DACA before 2/8.
I guessed your dog was tiny from looking at your avatar. But you’ve got a clydesdale!
It would be cruel if it were gratuitous, such as “Lying Hillary,” or “Little Marco,” or any of the other epithets trump uses. This isn’t gratuitous; it’s accurate.
Trump is ‘itching’ to jump into shutdown debate even as aides struggle to keep him quiet: report
The New York Times said Sunday that Trump spent most of Saturday ignoring the crisis and watching old videos of himself trashing then-President Barack Obama during the 2013 shutdown.
The president is reportedly annoyed that he has been forced to miss a black tie fundraiser at his Florida Mar-a-Lago resort and blames the shutdown mess for keeping him in Washington.
Republicans have spent decades promoting the idea that democrats are the “party of big government.” Now, they are trying to sell the idea that the party of big government just shut down the government in order to save government programs that republicans shut down.
Kind of tough to get your head around that idea.
As Josh noted: the party of shutdowns will own this one too.
Rim shot!
Thank you, try the veal.
My pup Murphy was just a youngster in that photo. Now she’s 7 yrs old and 79 pounds of sleek muscled speed. She loves a good natured chase with her doggie friends. She’s really good with children and in a crowd of people she doesn’t know. My 9 yr old grandson and Murphy are best buds.
Hands down folks, we have us an intertubes winner for today.
Today, tomorrow, many of the days of the next month, etcetera, etcetera.
In today’s NYT interview with Philip Roth he said this
No one (except perhaps the acidic H. L. Mencken, who famously described American democracy as “the worship of jackals by jackasses”) could have imagined that the 21st-century catastrophe to befall the U.S.A., the most debasing of disasters, would appear not, say, in the terrifying guise of an Orwellian Big Brother but in the ominously ridiculous commedia dell’arte figure of the boastful buffoon.
It was really just an off-the-cuff remark, but I agree with you to an extent. At the same time, I think Trump is genuinely pathetic and that he probably had little chance of being a good, healthy person given who and what his father was. On the other hand, he’s so grotesque and repulsive now, and doing so much damage, that it’s difficult to be empathetic.