Discussion: Schumer Groups Omar’s Comments With Trump’s Praise Of Neo-Nazi Protesters In AIPAC Speech

Schumer should just make it official already and go run for the Knesset.


He’s very bad at his job?


It would be great if Senator Schumer could summon such passion for domestic issues.


What does “supporting Israel” mean?


I don’t know. As long as there aren’t some real, major electoral reforms like elimination of the electoral college and institution of ranked choice voting nationwide, the better option is probably wresting the Democratic party from these dinosaurs, not forming a 3rd party with little chance of electoral success.


F*ck you, Schumer.


Puff Daddy: Anti-Semitic music since 1997!

Now, that’s a good example of antisemitism. Perpetuating the dual citizenship lies about Jewish politicians is exactly the kind of bigotry that Omar is being falsely accused of. And make no mistake, people like “tibetancowboy” know they are lying, and they enjoy it.



He’s fundraising. I think that may be his only purpose.


Watching Chuck with Nancy always makes me think of that old Warner brothers cartoon where the little dog is jumping excitedly around the big dog and saying “We’re gonna get him, aren’t we Spike?! We’re gonna show him whose boss, aren’t we, huh, aren’t we Spike!”

Am I a bad Democrat for saying he does not inspire me even a little bit, and it would be kind of nice to have someone inspirational leading the Senate right now? And while we are at it, can he keep his glasses up where they belong? Every time he puts them on the end of his nose and looks down at a news conference, it looks almost cartoonishly elitist.


After he’s done kissing AIPAC ass he should just head on over to the NRA and see if there’s any help he can offer them in their ongoing support of the GOP.


I cringed just to read the headline of this article, and think the conflating of Omar with Neo-Nazis was entirely and horribly inappropriate. But Schumer is in his late 60s, born just after WWII. He grew up with parents who were of the generation that fought in the war, and obviously the Nazi atrocities are fresher in his memory than that of many younger people. Schumer clearly views anything to do with Israel in existential terms, which, if you really think of it, only makes sense - it’s sort of like PTSD from the things done to Jewish people in WWII. He’s a good Democrat - albeit too pro-corporate for my tastes - in almost every other sense but that concerning any part of foreign policy that might have something to do with Israel. It’s too bad we couldn’t have someone to step in for him to make decisions only when there’s an issue which he’s unable to see clearly due to the veil of existential threat. Again, as I see it it’s entirely reasonable that he thinks this way, given his life experience, but he’s doing a lot of damage by virtue of this blind spot.


He’s from the state of New York. Ignoring AIPAC isn’t an option.

It’s kind of funny that the choice of venue here serves to validate Omar’s criticism. Every time somebody in Congress makes a pointed appeal to AIPAC about mean ol’ Omar’s comments about how powerful AIPAC is, said appeal only reinforces her point about their power.



(Oh, never mind. I guess that only applies if you’re a Sanders supporter…)

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So…it’s OK to dishonestly trash a Muslim woman because of something Germans did 75 years ago?

I guess the Japanese should be trashing Americans on a daily basis.

We really need to demand a bit more maturity than that from our leaders. It’s one thing to stand by Israel and demand that people remember the Holocaust. It’s quite another to willfully lie about any criticism of our Israeli policy.



I am sympathetic to Jewish folk who have romanticized notions of what Israel stands for. I think most of us would wish Israel was like that. The reality belies that view.

As for Chuck, I don’t think that’s his dilemma. I think he is pretty cynical, so he is merely going where his “bread is buttered”. It’s one thing for a deep red stater to be pro-life. We can all understand the practical reasons why. What we don’t understand is using language that would label a fellow Democrat as akin to a anti-Semitic agitator and worthy of censure when it’s clear anti-semitism wasn’t her intent. After all, we constantly hear about how it’s possible to be critical of Israel or our Israel policy while not being anti-Semitic, yet where is there an actual example of this? The totally lop-sided votes on this matter isn’t evidence of widespread philo-semitism or bonhomie towards Judaism. it’s evidence of lobby power.

For Chuck to knowingly play into the weaponization of insincerity against a new Congresswomen of color is seen for the cynical ploy that it is by all millennials who are fed up with the insincerity raging throughout our society. You can’t fault young folk for abandoning Chuck when they see shit like this. How can they possibly believe he would fight for them against powerful lobbies?


It’s just how reading glasses work.


No, I didn’t say it’s OK at all. I was talking about his probable blind spot that led to comments such as the one about Omar. It’s possible to feel empathy for a person while simultaneously being totally opposed to a stance that person has taken.

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Oh, Chuck!

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