Discussion: School Of MAGA-Clad Students Mocking Native American Closes Amid Fallout

I’m the mother of a 53-year-old son. If he had done anything remotely like that little weasel Sandmann, I’d have kicked his ass myself. Then I would have hung my head in shame for having raised such a worthless spawn.


Well I think they’ve exhausted the voters with it.

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This. The Catholic Church, GOP, the kid’s parents have all totally fucked these kids. No one is going to hire or admit anyone who’s name can be associated with this mess. Except Liberty…bwahahahahha…I hear Falwell Jr is looking for a cabana boy. Just one though.


Nothing about the video showing the offensive language of Black Israelites changes how upsetting it was to see the Covington students, and Sandmann in particular, stare at Phillips with such contempt. I don’t see how you could watch this and think otherwise unless you’re willing to gaslight yourself, and others, in the service of granting undeserved sympathy to the privileged.



I’m sure he’ll give them a stern talking-to.


O tell me that’s a joke!

Here we see the essence of the intellectual demise of the DemoBorg. You are obsessed with showing that they are guilty. Of what? Well, whatever. This need to “assess guilt” is not healthy.

In point of fact, most people, myself and doubtless you as well (giving you the benefit of the doubt) do not spend their time and do not plan on harming or damaging others.

The plain facts of the matter are that stuff happened. Each of the 3 parties had motivations. But “guilt”? I am not a person who looks in every situation for the “moral nature”. That was a common fallacy of the communist world, in which all actions were interpreted through a political lens and the political view was the key one.

I am a charitable person, looking for the good in all. You should lighten up, before you have a coronary. It’s all good, my friend. No one was guilty. Except maybe those Sons of Israel. Them I am a little less charitable about.

One final comment: The “DemoBorg” label refers to those here, who, in all cases, adopt the single party line, and are assimilated to the Democratic Party world view without a shred of independent thought. There’s no danger of revolution or independent thought accidentally occurring in the DemoBorg. You are all assimilated.

To paraphrase the great John Prine “Your MAGA hat won’t get you to heaven anymore”.
In most Catholic academics this kind of behavior doesn’t go over well nor, current church issues notwithstanding they don’t have a PR firm to advocate for them just a good Jesuit talking to.

rawstory.com? well their site is a joke…

ETA: looks like there’s a fair amount of rudy-inspired-moonwalking from sources.

Let’s see where is Judge, Tom, PJ, Bernie, and Squi? That’s Kav with his shirt off isn’t it?

So school officials are going into hiding under a shell just like McConnell? If this was supposed to be a Pro Life protest, where is the signage and other protestors? The whole thing was a lark with no supervision.

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While that’s nice and all and certainly an appropriate thing to EVENTUALLY get down to debunking, the fact that Snopes chose to focus on that instead of…oh…say…the demonstrably false assertions in the statement the the PR company wrote for that kid says alot about the MSM’s cowardly, frightened, knee-jerk reactionary stance when it comes to protecting itself from the GOP/right wing getting upset with them.

Besides…how fucking nonsensical does it have to be before Snopes and the other “fact checkers” decide they’re not going to bother because if you can’t figure it the fuck out for yourself then you probably have to remind yourself to breath every few seconds with an alarm? Snopes jumps all over that shit, which apparently originated from a tweet completely recognizable as fakery, but where were they with the Russian shit in 2016?

Just goes to show: IOKIYAR

No I link to them all the time because they are the only news aggregator left out there and I don’t generally think they are a joke - just tacky.

I meant the story itself = that the Covington Boys are going to the WH = Really? Good god!

their site drives my pc insane if I hang on to a story too long - all of a sudden the processor fan kicks into high speed there’s so much going on.

I actually watch their twitter feed and they do a good job keeping on top of stuff. it’s their site construction that is irksome. I’d pay to subscribe (like here, wapo) since they are quick on the draw with stories.

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O I agree. It freezes my browser or crashes it all the time. I hate that aspect of it.

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Drama queens.

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First, they ARE guilty. Their behavior was reprehensible and racist. In any other reality where this shit hadn’t been normalized, the tomahawk chop chanting at the native american man ALONE would’ve been enough to condemn these kids for acting in a racist, disrespectful manner that reflected poorly on themselves, their parents, their school and the diocese.

Second, the videos show them doing far more than that…even yelling at random passers-by from park benches and yelling shit like “it’s not rape if you enjoy it”, showing that they were already agitated and out of control.

Third, what they’re accused of being guilty of has not changed: their racist behavior is on full display in the videos.

Fourth, you are the one who insists they should not be found guilty of their clear and demonstrable behavior and you have failed to provide a rational, coherent, affirmative argument to that affect. I have done so with respect to why none of the “context” excuses or justifies their abhorrent behavior and words. If you’re too much of a coward to step up, then you’re conceding I’m right.

Your collateral attacks about the “DemoBorg” and people mindlessly adopting a party-line are complete trash and nothing but distraction nonsense…nothing but a cop-out because you can’t step to me with a fact-based rational argument as to why what they did was ok or any less cult-like than the idiocy from the black Israelite crazies.


The Catholic brand is hurt by revelations of fascists and racists in their ranks. The Church spent years diminishing relations between the Church and Team Mussolini after WWII, creating an impression that the Catholic Church was a major opponent of the Fascists. I’m not sure this PR strategy is the best (although we all love the Sound of Music). For example,

Politically, the most important actor at the time was the Christian Democratic Party that would emerge from the war as the major force in Italian politics, [and] would rule Italy for decades. For them it was absolutely essential that the church be seen as part of anti-fascism, not as part of the collaboration with fascism. But at the same time, it was more generally — given that a great majority of Italians were part of fascism in one way or another — it was in everybody’s interest to come up with a new narrative and not to look too skeptically at these new stories, even though people who lived through them knew how off-base they actually were.

Similarly, the PR reframing of Trumpist Catholics is a heavy lift. I suspect if your clan is this specie of mid-west Catholic, you’ll do the same as Fascist Catholics after the war. But it’s a dangerous, volatile bargain.

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Well I’m not happy right now to have my name associated with any of their IRA accounts, either.