Discussion: Scarborough: Sarah Palin's Disjointed Iowa Speech Was 'A Tragedy'

Discussion for article #232490

Wasn’t Palin actually a reformer at one point? Didn’t she actually clean up some of the corruption of the Oil Soaked Alaskan government? I think I remember that she did.

If so, the real tragedy is not slipping from a reciting a speech well to reciting one badly. It’s moving from serving the people to serving her own outsized ego.


Not a tragedy, an inevitability. She was always going to fall flat on her face. Surprised it took this long.


I think her “reform” was mostly just a change of players.


Hey Joe, she hit this one out of the park too.

The trailer park.


The narrative is interesting here – tragedy implies a fall. So she used to be competent, something happened, and now she’s giving these rambling, incoherent speeches.

They can’t admit the truth, that this is always who she was, and many of these folks had been pushing hard for her to have political power.


“Tragedy” HOW exactly?

Because of how ‘far’ she’s fallen from her initial promise? SHE NEVER HAD ANY - EVER! She was a serial junior college drop-out who had trouble conveying the least authenticity or value in her sportsball plagerisms on TV, with Big Hair and a penchant for puttin’ it out there with the athletes to get ahead. She made exactly two speeches of any note: one where John McCain introduced her then stood back and ogled her backside, and the other where she had the first and biggest ever stage for her hee-haw magic pixie dust that settled into the corner and got thrown out with the dog’s business within DAYS.

No tragedy at all: that flawed machine worked pretty much completely per design.


As my dad used to say, “what do you expect from a pig but a grunt?”


Hey Joe - most people see all her speeches this way; incoherent word salads. You, and most other Republicans, were just too blind with ideology to see it yourself.


York, Scarborough and Lowry were blinded by her MILFy appearance. I remember that editorial Lowry wrote about being “stars” when she winked.


Palin is well past her expiration date. I’m surprised she didn’t sour years ago.


“I think it’s a tragedy, too,” Scarborough chimed in. “We all remember
that night she spoke in 2008 at the [Republican national] convention. I
will say, it remains one of the most electrifying performances I’ve seen
in the last four or five conventions I’ve been to. Nobody expected her
to do well. She delivered the lines well; she hit it out of the park."

In 2008 she was delivering a well-crafted speech. Now she has to write her own stuff.*

I use “write” hesitantly, because I’m not sure any of it is actually written down – it’s just ad-libbed word salad.


Ahem…Wasn’t Governor, remember your vaunted protocol guys…Governor Palin the ONLY woman to speak at the Iowa Crazy Clown Corn-vention? Seems a little patronizing and sexist without actual Palin soundbites from the allegedly disjointed (disjointed like a slaughtered turkey?) “tragedy”…


See, it really is better to burn out than to fade away.


It’s the results of the continued plummet of IQs in the US.

She has to sink further into the morass to appeal to the ‘baser’ voters

…who are just like her!!

The tragedy is that $he was a fraud at the outset, and that now $he is showing her DorianGray picture.


Palin will not be alive when her history is read by people decades from now. She will long have ceased to enjoy the lazily hedonistic thrill of dog-whistle rhetoric to the meanist and most mentally challenged of the electorate. She will be deceased and no longer able to spend ill-gotten money on the pleasures of whatever that money could do for her.

And she will go down as one of the worst political charlatans in United States history. Her descendants will cringe at the mention of her name. The annals will be set.

And that will be FOREVER.


"We will let history decide how she got from that point to this point,” Scarborough said.

As Glenn Frey would say:" It’s the lure of easy money, it’s got a very strong appeal."


The real tragedy here is that Joe is unable to comprehend the effect of delivering the lines of a well written speech, written by a professional speech writer as opposed to a speech written by Sarah Palin herself (or Bristol) or some other unprofessional writer.


Her speeches have always been rambling, and disjointed. He’s just noticing this now?


Actually, the amount of bad press within the right wing that her speech got is pretty indicative of how the establishment wing is viewing the TPers and other assorted crazies that want into their primaries. They realized what a mockery they became in 2012, and they do not want that repeated.

And let’s face it, Palin got lucky that McCain selected her at the moment she did, right when the TP was about to explode. She saw the opportunity and jumped at the opportunity to grab up their support (and money). Without that “movement” she would have disappeared into background years ago.

Now the establishment has determined they don’t need the TP going forward, and certainly not at the cost of all the headaches they cause. And suddenly the GOP press is tossing her to the curb.

Redstate readers are not going to have a good year this year. The fix is most definitely in within the GOP. And its all about the “establishment”.