Discussion: Scarborough Heaps On Barr: He 'Humiliated Himself' With 'Pathetic Performance'

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“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ― George Orwell


Except the most amazing part of yesterday was that it didn’t change a single thing. Repugs are still lined up to protect him at all costs and the dems are still being pussies waiting for republican permission to do their job.

What’s a middle-aged conservative to do in these tumultuous times? First David Brooks has an epiphany about the douch-baggery and now Joe Scarborough is holding on to the band-wagon with his fingernails? What’s next, Mitch McConnell retires from office and writes a tell-all book about how dirty he felt working with Trump?


In a perfect world Barr would join John Mitchell among the pantheon of longest serving US Attorneys General.
And deservedly so.


I care approximately less than one-half of one rat’s ass what Joe Scar thinks/says/bloviates about ANYTHING, but even a blind pig occasionally finds an acorn. His biggest fault, as ever, is that he’s late and understating the magnitude of what Barr is trying to do.


Too little, too late, jackass.

Morning Blow: How Joe and Mika Became Trump’s Lapdogs


I hope Barr at least got a free round of golf at a Trump property for trashing his reputation.

Barr’s running the same playbook he’s used on at least two occasions in the past. And he started this chapter off with an unsolicited 19 page letter. So, what’s the surprise? Washington insiders should have known who this guy is all along. He’s a high-priced janitor for Republican criminal activity.


But Barr earned himself a place at the Pantheon of Wingnut Valhalla


Barr almost humiliated himself as much as Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski did during most of the 2016 campaign when they let Donald Trump literally phone it in, sometimes daily, to spin his bullshit often unchallenged.

They’ve been railing against Trump since he was elected in a two-year guilt-fueled tirade that burns with the fury of a jilted lover.


In my opinion this is an unfair criticism of D’s. The D’s can not remove Trump from office without R votes. If the Clinton fiasco teaches us anything it teaches do not impeach if you do not have the votes to remove from office, it just strengthens the person being impeached. Again in my opinion, the D’s are doing exactly what they should be doing by as a unified voice quoting many times a day from the Mueller report the negatives on Trump. Additionally they regularly humiliate Barr by pointing out his total misunderstanding of the Mueller Report.

I appreciate your sentiment but just disagree with your view of D’s actions


Scarborough has been virulently anti-Trump for a long time now.


What’s in it for Barr ? Did, say, the Mercers promise him a nice reward ?
There must be a reason, why someone will disgrace himself so blatantly.


being near the center of power - as we have seen, nothing can top that for some republican operatives


I think he thought he could get away with it long enough to run out the clock like he did the last 2 times and for some strange reason, didn’t take into account the age of the internet. Didn’t have that rapid response back in the Noriega or Iran Contra days. But how clueless of him.


Ahhh, how I wish I could be in Paris this weekend…

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Small chance of that. Trump doesn’t give anyone anything for free.


An impeachment trial would have an effect, even if it did not result in the removal of Trump. The question for me is: why do Democrats think this effect would help Republicans?
There’s a lot of simplistic talk about how Clinton’s approval ratings soared during his impeachment. It’s as if people think all impeachments are created the same. (Aside: I do wonder at the general cluelessness of political leaders. Let’s not forget there were people who supported the Iraq war because they opposed the war in Kuwait and they never could figure out what was different about the two cases. So they ended up saddled with the wrong position both times.)

One effect of the Clinton impeachment was Al Gore essentially banning Clinton from his campaign in 2000, as well as running away from the record of the Clinton years. Had he instead run proudly on the Clinton years, he may well have gotten those few hundred extra votes in Florida that would have spared us the W. Presidency.

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Not true. He’s pretty quick with unsolicited advice.