Discussion: Scarborough Explains To Urban League President What Black Voters Want (VIDEO)

More like Lean Backwards and Bend Over.

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Reading comprehension much? “On the Republican side, you have Unapologetic, hard-Racism supporting the front-runner: Trump.”

Morial just needed to have more white-splining done to him. Then he’d get it. Right Joe?

(rolls eyes)

Joe explains to millennial women why they owe it to Hillary to vote for
her and why women generally don’t really need access to birth control or

It sounds to me more like he’s telling The Urban League to vote for Bernie, kind of the opposite of what you said. It’s like telling women of my age (Baby Boomer with a daughter) to vote for Bernie because we reproductive rights will be taken care of when the economy turns around.

NOTE: Bernie is not against reproductive rights, I just think Hillary gets it in a way he doesn’t and I’m old enough to remember when contraception was illegal, let alone abortion.

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Scarborough has a huge racist block that cuts off his brain circuits.

The quote is:
“There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!”

Of course she supports Clinton and is trying to get other people to support Clinton, but you’re misrepresentation is inexcusable. What’s so hard about using the actual quote? Could it be…you wanted to make her sound as bad as possible so your re-worked it to suit your purposes? Yes.

While every newspaper said Ms Clinton had a good, if not her best night, Mika only pointed out the flaws while praising Sen Sanders. Most of the table disagreed with her, but she continued. This is before Scarborough showed up.

Not the three-inch grip, but the two-inch grip. With the forty-gauge barrel
and the
thirty round clip, not the twenty round clip. With a three-day wait to run
a check
to see if you’re crazy. As if wanting the gun wasn’t a pretty good heads up
in the
first place. No, this is for show. And I think it’s an unconscionable waste
of the
taxpayer’s money to have it printed, signed and photocopied, to say nothing
enforced. No, I want the guns, Leo. You write a law that can save some
lives. I’ll
sign it. In the mean time, please don’t tell me how to be a leader of black
You look like an idiot. [walks away leaving Leo looking stunned]

“Five Votes Down” - West Wing

Well, we still have prime time (and the overnight reruns). But they’re probably hanging by a thread.


White touch-hole gop/bag explains what black voters over want…

Anyone else see what’s wrong with this asshole?

MSNBC, you FIRED Keith O, for this guy?

And you wonder why your station sucks the big wet one!

WASP boy on display. They are really getting concerned how they will be treated once they are no longer the majority in the US. You know that old Judeo-Christian saying of “Do unto others…”

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So you have to hide behind your black friend to do exactly what you condemn progressives and conservatives of doing–telling blacks how they should react. Black people didn’t start this racial nonsense. So who we vote for should be none of your concern.

This morning I turned it on for 5 minutes only to hear Joe mock Hillary Clinton’s choice of clothing for the debate last night while his stepford wife,aka Mika, giggled and mumbled"I ought to punch you"just like the high school teenage girl she actually is.

“You don’t understand what I’m saying,” he told Scarborough.

… i would’ve thought that would have been obvious from the get-go…

Republicans are always explaining to blacks what they need while they make it impossible for them to attain it.

Its really not, however. Its Joe throwing some faux support Bernie’s way. I think as the primary season continues to unfold, you are going to see more and more conservative hosts doing similar. They firmly believe that they can kick the stuffing out of Sanders in a general, and want, if not for Sanders to win, to seriously wound Hillary, before a General.