Discussion: Scarborough Explains To Urban League President What Black Voters Want (VIDEO)

Mika is outright hostile to Hillary also



I can’t be the only one who is sick and tired of elderly white Conservatives lecturing Black people on what we “need.” Sure, Blacks do need jobs, but it’s more important to be a part of the political process, to have a seat at the table where decisions for our country --and our lives-- are made.

Otherwise those “needed jobs” will likely turn out to be the worst, lowest paid menial jobs imaginable. That’s how it’s always worked in the past. That’s what you get when you don’t have a voice in the process.

And, after all, African-Americans had plenty of jobs during slavery.


MSNBC just wants to keep the excitement fizzing and will cherry-pick to maintain what they think is that excitement. For example, Trump’s National Socialist flirtations could hurt his eyeball lure so cable downplays it if its mentioned at all. Bernie’s inability to allow Mrs. Clinton a last word at the debate last evening. Normally, that would be quickly seen as sexist but to prolong the game it just gets shuffled back into the deck. Of course, JEB life-support doesn’t add eyeballs but older habits die harder…


Ah, I agree…white-splainin’ MSM bobbleheads are something that I often find hilarious when we get to witness it. It’s so obliviously offensive and their “takes” are usually so insanely wrong, but these dopes just can’t help themselves. They just pull out the brush and gleefully paint themselves into the racist idiot corner and then look so surprised when the backlash begins and they have nowhere to run.

As for Albright, yeah…I’m hoping that entire line of argument and reasoning doesn’t surface again the entire campaign.

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Joe is pushing Bernie for a couple of reasons. First, he is convinced Bernie would be easy to beat in the general. Second, the longer this nominating process drags on the better for his ratings.


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Scarborough is a charter member of the Comcast Crap Brigade, who thinks he is ever so smart. Unfortunately, Joe is just another drone doing Comcasts bidding. In other words he is bought and paid for.

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Mika is as insipid as Joe is obnoxious.


What would the very caucasian “Mr. Dead Intern in his office” know about what African-Americans want or need in leadership?

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"Whose policies would actually break away the ongoing vicious cycle we have where the rich get poorer, …"

Scarborough went on to correct his phrasing, although I think the start of his query gets to the root of Republican fears more accurately.
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What a disappointment she must be to her father!


[quote=“Khaaannn, post:16, topic:32783”]
Both spend a lot of time telling Minorities what they should be thinking and how they should be voting, and how the White Man they support will pat the Minorities on the head and “make it all better for them” like they are wayward children.[/quote]

I don’t know what you’ve been smoking but the GOTP’ whites only approach to winning elections (since Nixon’s Southern Strategy) has shed it’s PC code-talk and Trump has RW racism on full blast.

Meanwhile, neither Sanders nor Clinton, are telling minorities anything. Whether it’s BLM, minimum wage, and/or immigration activists, the Democratic candidates are being forced to listen and to adopt responsive policies in order to win minority votes.

Your lazy reliance on racist stereotypes has blinded you into stumbling over and past obvious truths like these:

It’s not political, just a money and multiple giant house club. Wasn’t Kasie Hunt’s Mommy moderating the PBS debate last night?


I agree… if ya wanna vote ‘history’ then it makes just as much sense to vote Bernie for the first Jewish President…

WELCOME to my world…Well we’ve heard forever and a day now, that ‘it’s a man’s world’…I think the word WHITE s/b added to that statement. Perfect example, a panel of WHITE men discussing the needs of the BLACK community. Women’s needs are discussed and decided by the SAME BUNCH. White MEN discussing the needs of WOMEN.

It’s a MAN’s world and that’s exactly WHAT IS wrong with this OLD world.

Joe I have a better idea,invite Ms Gwen Ifill on your show so she can ask

““Let me turn this on its head, because when we talk about race in this country, we always talk about African-Americans, people of color,” Ifill began, in all her black girl glory. “I want to talk about white people, OK?”


It will be interesting to see what the show looks and sounds like after Super Tuesday