Discussion: Scarborough: BBC Should Fire Reporter For Israel Question (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #231973

AMErican REPUBLICANS WOULD have BEEN aBLE to SAVE ALL the JEws HAD it NOT been for THE DEMONRAt libtards aND EurOPEs WanTING alL the JewS to BE KILLED 65 YEars ago or SO!1!!!one!!1!!!


Joe should follow the Today show’s pitiful example and hitch his crap wagon to a cute, innocent puppy…


"Scarborough suggested that the BBC fire reporter Tim Willcox, who mentioned Israel’s violence toward Palestinians during an interview with a Jewish woman in the aftermath of the Paris attacks on Sunday. "

Joe, fire thyself.


Because discussing the Israeli pogrom against the Palestinian people and the war crimes committed by Israel is ALWAYS anti-Semitic, right? How gauche to pose such a question, ever! I realize the context of the reporter’s question was awkward, but Israeli genocidal policy towards the Palestinians is an integral part of the debate concerning fundamentalist extremism, on all sides.

As for firing the reporter, I guess “Je suis Charlie” only applies when directed towards the “right” targets.


“underscores the fundamental reason for the founding of Israel: you have to have a refuge from this.”

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! RIGHT!!! Clearly, that’s why they chose that precise spot!!! There simply couldn’t possibly have been a better choice of location to give European Jews “refuge” from those who might hate them!!! Hindsight’s 20/20 and look how well it worked out!!!

To be fair, he seems partly correct: European Jews weren’t given part of Europe because of anti-semitism in Europe, and because, well, why give them something in Europe if you can give them something somewhere else that you took from other people? But it seems to me that his argument about “refuge” just fails completely on its face unless you assume every single person on the planet was a complete and utter fucking retard in 1948 and lacked any understanding whatsoever of the realities of the Middle East. Perhaps that was the case. I’ll admit to not having the best academic grasp of the Jewish displacement in Europe and diaspora to that region during that time period, but I just can’t buy his superficial, grade-school-textbook reasoning either.


In a show of solidarity with his Hebrew brethren and to display his outrage at the anti-Jewish “libs” worldwide, Scarborough will change the look of his show to align with Tzniut law and have Mousy Mika change her name to “Micah” and wear a mitpachat… and will change the name of his program to “Morning Jew”!


Joe seems to think that the Holocaust happened without any human agency. Or it was just the Nazis who made it happen.


I dunno half the words you just used, but it still made me laugh haha


Hmmm… so the Allied casualties in the European Theater of Operations were “nothing”? Be sure to tell that to the ghosts of Eisenhower, DeGaulle and Churchill.


It doesn’t help that Netanyahu went to Paris and tried to link the Palestinians who are resisting Israeli violence with the nutcases responsible for the Paris attack.


[“This happened 60, 65 years ago, while Europe sat by and did nothing.
They let 6 million Jews be exterminated. This is why Israel exists,” he
repeated. “And people need to get a hell of a lot more sensitive to it,
even if they are left-leaning media members.”

That blanket stupidity is indicative of Scarborough and comes close to suggesting that liberals were and are sympathetic to Nazi atrocities…and as we know, those Nazis were soooooo’ liberal and such leftwing icons! Gawwd’ …one doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the kind of bullet proof, weapons’ grade stupidity Scarborough reflects.


Yet, many claim the wide spread slaughter of Muslims by Christians in the Balkans is to far removed to be of significance in todays context of violence.
Guess it all comes down to whose ox is being gored.


But, but, but…the Nazi’s had ‘Socialist’ in their name. So there!


That’ll do it! It’s all the Righties need to see! (>‿◠)


Netanyahu is a war criminal. He will try to use the horrific events in Paris to his political benefit in the upcoming Israeli elections.

I was hoping that he would have been arrested in France for his complicity in Israeli war crimes.


6 million JEWS were exterminated? Excuse me??? No mention of the blacks, the gays, the satirists, the painters, the political opponents, the gypsies, the sick, the elderly, the…


Right, Joe. Because Holocaust denial is a left-wing phenomenon.


No one should ever try to diminish the heinous horrors of the Holocaust and those who perished at the hands of evil men merely because of who and what they were. However, the phrase “Never Again” loses all moral imperative if it is meant merely as a vow to defend only one group of people against genocide, rather than a declaration that we will stand against the slaughter of innocents, whoever and wherever they might be.

The phrase “Never Again” should not be used as an excuse to commit crimes against humanity by those who were once victims themselves. We owe it to the victims of the Holocaust to act in a morally consistent and decisive manner.


Every shot on CNN had Netanyahu in the frame.

It’s fascinating to see people turn that terror attack in Paris into their favorite hobby horse.