Discussion: Scaramucci: Trump Should Have Been 'Much Harsher' On White Supremacy

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Who gives a shit what he says.


Nothing like a bit of character reconstruction of a Sunday morning.

I think Trump will come to rue the day he hooked up with this wildcard but I will, methinks, enjoy the show.


Why is he on TV at all? Is he paid by the word and needs child support money?


Even the Mooch sees it. Ted Cruz sees it. Orrin Hatch sees it. Even incredibly Jeff “KKK” Sessions sees it. The perps and provocateurs are white racists and neo-Nazi anti-Semites. Everyone sees it. Except the scum-at-the top. Who knows whats really in his shallow tiny little heart, other than greed and egotism. Nonetheless, his failure to forcefully condemn the KKK, neo-Nazis and other bigots who caused this whole thing and who appear to be responsible for the bulk of the injuries and death, yet again reminds us that the scum are his buddies. What a low-life Trump is. Scum really.


Bannon’s also perched there.


Why is Trump President? ´Cos he was on teevee.

If it works out this time, maybe we´ll be blessed with President Mooch someday.

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Trump is, and always has been, a coward. He’s afraid of his base. He’s afraid of Putin. His “tough talk” is utter bullshit that he knows will never happen. He “takes on” Sessions, McConnell, etc. who he knows would never strike back.

At least David Duke called him out for it yesterday - “we elected you.” Why isn’t this quote all over the damn NYT and WaPo headlines?


Had he been “much harsher,” Mooch, he wouldn’t have been elected.


I may have been wrong about Trump. My thought was that he wasn’t loyal to anyone. I’m clearly wrong–he knows that he needs to be loyal to the people to whom he owes his election. That’s why he is loyal to the KKK and Putin. And David Duke sent him a reminder on Twitter. Just in case.
Putin, on the other hand, just calls him on a direct line. You can be he never turns down that call.


Worth repeating. Like x 1,000.


Somewhere in trump’s tiny brain, he knows he is starting to lose the less rabid part of his base. I think he is afraid to call out the alt-right because he can’t afford to lose them, too. Duke was right.


The words on their lips are not the songs in their hearts.


He’s not loyal, per se, he’s scared. Scared that without them, he’d be at a negative rating. He has no loyalty to anyone or anything except money.


Rats. Sinking ships. There’s a message here, whatever one’s assessment of such individuals as Scaramucci, Cruz, Hatch, Sessions, and all the rest.

We are in strange political territory, but it now seems that only a dwindling set of self-promoters who live by the sycophants’ code, and perhaps a few warped ideologists, are continuing their attachment to our deranged President.

The danger is that that President’s formal power is not at all affected by the universal disdain his persona and action have created in Washington, nor are the loyalties of his sizable cohort of proto-fascist supporters, many of whom would neither criticize the Charlottesville neo-Nazis nor care that President is alienating pretty much everyone else.

Given Mr Trump’s well known sociopathic and narcissistic qualities, this constellation opens the door to his taking dangerous and destructive action to protect his fragile ego even though it may gravely harm the nation and the world.

Neo-fascism is a real threat with real supporters in the White House, but right now I am more worried about our dangerously unstable and irrational President, who still has great power to do harm. We can hope that he vents his rage and inadequacy in new tweets demanding the prosecution of Hilary Clinton and attacking his predecessor, but the risk of more substantive madness is real.


Stephie’s giant brain skips over the best parts, like the Trump call Mooch sez he got “this week” or the Mooch’s real relationship with Ryan Lizza or any ongoing thing Mooch has with ‘I’m lookin’ at Jew’ anti-alt Jervanka…

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Between the well-armed fascists and the sympathetic police, I am very concerned about our country. If trump is finally impeached, he is just the type of narcissist who would incite his followers to rise up. We are in scary times my friends.


“Mooch supremacy”! Take bake back the white!


Donnie is on vacation, give him a break, haters !

Fer cryin’ out loud! This guy was Trump’s communications director for 10 days. He was a horrible failure on every level. Why o why is he on ABC News’ “This Week?”

Oh yeah, liberal media bias.

Mooch, go away.