Discussion: Scaramucci Appears To Blame Priebus For 'Leak,' Threatens To Call FBI, DOJ

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Couldn’t happen to a better guy. Karma’s a bitch.


This shit is so hilarious. I’m lovin it.


The Mooch - another Harvard University educated capitalist turned fascist!

Way to go Harvard - you are pumping out right wingers (The Mooch, Teddy Boy Cruz Harvard Law, and a long list of Harvard B school greedy bastards corrupting our entire financial system) that are taking down our Democracy.


From the department of “You just can’t make this stuff up, folks!” A guy know as The Mooch says “But I like mentioning them because I know knee-knockers when I see them and their knees will start knocking,”. Soon, he’ll be making Reince an offer can’t refuse.


So, now we’re going to have high level Trump administration officials investigating one another. Priebus is the WH Chief of Staff, for chrissakes. In most administrations, that would make him the second most powerful person in the WH.

This is beyond bizarre.

But, great entertainment! And something the writers of VEEP never imagined.


Does that include Obama?


'Smooches is a real life ventriloquist’s dummy, Trump’s sock puppet, a living “John Barron”. He still has that clenched jaw, bugged out eyes and speed patter that cocaine and 'roids will produce. I’m sure he still “juices” and goes to the gym. He’d fit right in on “Jersey Shore”.

That phone in with Chris Cuomo probably had Trump relaying tweets to Smoochie Da Pooch to read out. What a fuggin freak show. Rome burns.


Indeed. Because in this telephone rant, he revealed that he himself had conversations with at least half a dozen reporters.

He is claiming that because he sent out a tweet that basically says Priebus is the leaker,and the press reported he sent out that tweet, that it proves Priebus is the leaker.

He calls publicly available information leaks.

He admitted to violating DoJ ethics laws by going to the DoJ and FBI and telling them to start investigations.

And, worst of all…

…he made this entire news cycle about him, not Donald.


But Trumpers pay no attention to titles, and they almost never match up to the roles associated with the title. Been that way since the campaign.

Priebus is not, and has not been, anything remotely like a Chief of Staff. Early on, during the transition, Trump set it up so basically anyone can go around Priebus.

Part of why Priebus, Spicer and Bannon was so against the hiring of Scaramucci, is Trump was promising Scaramucci powers that correctly belong to a Chief of Staff. CoS powers to the Communications Director. Figure that one out.

And Scaramucci is, this episode removing all lingering doubts, gunning to become the de facto Chief of Staff. And I think he gets there; Priebus just isn’t up to par to play this level of power game. He was castrated from the moment he took the job, which he took largely out of desperation because the RNC was definitely going to boot his ass. Now he has a guy gunning directly for his job, who Priebus made the fatal mistake of going on the record with WH staff as being stridently against his hire in the first place.

Even worse for Priebus, Scaramucci is pretty much indicating that Trump wants all the RNCer out. Combined with trying to force Sessions out, they are cleaning house of all contacts to the GOP and Congress. Which is the only value that Priebus brought to the table.


Thunderbolts and Lightning … VERY, VERY FRIGHTENING!


The Mooch is making me miss Spicey already.


“If you want to get down, down on the ground, COCAINE.”



Just the latest slithering viper in the pit.


We’ve all seen these accusatory, backstabbing, faction-fomenting, discord-generating people in organizations of every type. They’ll reduce everything to a smoking ruin if you let them. But what I think we’ve never seen before is an organization in which everyone is that kind of person because it’s the organizational culture to be that way. It would have seemed impossible but there it is.


Yes. Because the taxpayers love the idea of the FBI spending time resources and our money investigating “abuse” of snowflakes instead of actual criminals like say, cyber criminals or terrorists.


This should provide a good morning performance before McConnell tosses out all the rules so the Senate can vote on its nonsense tomorrow. It’s possible there won’t be a CBO score and that the bill won’t actually cut the deficit, but he’ll overrule the parliamentarian.


One big happy family.
You know… Smooth running machine.


So, these dopes tweet, get walloped by anyone paying attention…withdraw tweets, “threaten” legal action and then go piss up a rope after they have foisted empty bullshit oft he public …anyone else sick of this running chaotic hot mess…


“Why, that dirty rat, I oughta bump off this knee-knockin’ goon for beatin’ his choppers.”