Discussion: Scaramucci Appears To Blame Priebus For 'Leak,' Threatens To Call FBI, DOJ

And it will tear the “organization” (a pretty grandiose term for the tRump organization) apart, sooner rather than later.


CNN was running a chyron while they were unpacking the interview that said something to the effect of: “Scaramucci says leakers feel they are protecting US from Trump.”

To that I say a) well, DUH and b) so, not leakers so much as national heroes?


Well there is a CBO on a “clean” death spiral act already. But your larger point about tossing shiny nonsense into the media to distract is well taken.


Ah, the sweet smell of Repub internecine warfare in the morning while sipping coffee! Wonderful! Snapping crawfish vs. crawfish in a stinky barrel.


Or Presidents in cahoots with the Russians


And the University of Michigan turned out Ted Kaczynski, I say we defund them!!!

Heavy sarcasm implied. Turns out large non-partisan universities turn out people of all viewpoints, some of them bad. Who knew?


Its highly inappropriate for Scaramucci to go to the FBI over this…made considerably worse because the leak he is claiming, isn’t a leak at all…its publicly available records. You or I could have requested and it would have been turned off…not even a FOIA request needed.

The reality going on here I think is…If Trump really had an issue with leaks, and really believed Priebus was a leaker…he has total power to do something about it. Fire Priebus. He doesn’t need cause, or an official FBI investigation…he can fire Priebus right now because he doesn’t like the color of his socks.

But I don’t think this is entirely another example of Trump being afraid of the confrontation that goes with firing someone. I think this is Trump enjoying seeing rival factions fighting it out. He gets off on it, and always has.

Its basically “Well, we don’t have the court Jester today…You there, Courtier A and Courtier B, tie a rope around each of their wrists and give them daggers. Now, fight to the death. I need entertainment!!”


By distancing himself from RNC connections doesn’t Trump also lose much of his protection from impeachment?


I know knee-knockers when I see them and their knees will start knocking

Scaramouche is so busy watching out for knee-knockers that he’ll never see the kneecappers and the backstabbers who are most assuredly coming for him. This is the difference between finance and politics.


The Mooch want’s Priebus’s job, too. He wants to be Trump’s consigliere. Once he gets rid of Priebus, Bannon is next on Scaramucci’s hit list.


I’m not an expert on coke-sniffing stockbrokers and traders, but doesn’t Mooch seem like he’s got a white nose?


Scarramucci is doing the right thing. This is great news for the law abiding White House officials as all of the leaks are from the White House. I hope Scarramucci has the cojones to go after First Lady Ivank Trump’s clique that is leaking like a sieve and Mike Pence, who is measuring drapes despite being selected in an illegitimate election.

Also, I hope that the individuals in the White House that called the CIA and NSA and leaked the information that Preshitident Anusmouth-Putindickholster was sharing code level national security secrets including sources and methods with President Putin and Lavrov are prosecuted. They should all be brought to justice.

Wish the media would refer to him as Trump’s Minister of Propoganda and Distractions.


The Mooch is flying to close to the sun to please a boss who can never be pleased. We know how that story ends.


Oh god.
Trump thinks that waiting 10 minutes between tweets is a super idea.

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Hey, he can’t type that fast!

Trump: My government simply hates itself. As Repubicans say all the time, Governments just do not work. We need Dictatorship.

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“When the iceberg hits the boat, the rats start flying up from steerage,” he said.

It’s the boat that hits the iceberg, dumb-ass.


Scaramucci Appears To Threaten To Sic FBI On Priebus For ‘Leak’ Of Public Docs

OK, I’m gonna have to go ahead and file this one under “What The Fuckity Fuck?”


Someone please tell this guy that he doesn’t become Stalin if Trump should suddenly leave office. I don’t know where the GOP are finding all these delusional Mafia/Nazi types, but between these Manhattan millionaires and the Russians they all seem to have a really bad perception of how a republic works.