Discussion: Sasse To Hannity: ‘Some Of Us Still Believe In The Constitution’

“We still believe in it, but we don’t necessarily do anything about it.”
“Believing is enough”


Oh look, Sean learned the name of a court case. He must be really smart.


Not smart enough, since he is a purveyor of invented pulled out of his ass facts as news and should be circumspect about accusing credible news outlets while living in the Glass House of FOX News.


Twitter - the playground on which adult kids can hurl insults, tell lies and act tough with a big audience to observe the stupidity.


Virtual food fight in the old GOP grocery store. Someone needs to page for cleanup in aisle 7 - stubby oldish guy is flinging tomatoes and eggs at another guy and making a pure mess all over the twitter-sphere. No not the usual stubby guy creating havoc on twitter - that dude is ancient … and the dotard in chief - this is his wannabe twitter doppelganger.


Sean has a lot in common w/ Donald in the “doesn’t take criticism well” department. Wow.


The circle will be complete when FOX news has a series of stories, “Why didn’t Hillary say anything about Ailes?”


Illustrates one of the major hypocrisies of the GOP. Today they want to censor NBC, not realizing the same censorship ‘rules’ could be applied by a different admin against Fox et.al.

Kill the filibuster- whoops! We NEED the filibuster to keeps the Dems in check! Oh me oh my! Alas, alack, oh dear!

Short-sighted asshat clowns. Dummies. Just like their orange god, Trump.


Hannity you’re so sassy!

Did New York Times v. Sullivan say that all the plaintiff had to do was claim that something was false and malicious and it was suddenly so? I haven’t read the holding, so I’m just checking (not that he has read it either).
And…did the speed and number of the tweets suggest that he was calling someone and saying “I tweeted this…what do you want me to tweet next?”
Bless Sasse’s heart…he may have to act on that belief if he keeps this up.


Twitter – the digital stall where virtual graffiti is scribbled by people full of crap.


The guy who lied maliciously over and over again about the last President cites New York Times v. Sullivan. And his head did not explode?


Sean Hannity was a Russian bot before there was ever such a thing. He, of all people, should be very thankful for the first amendment.


Sean Hannity: The ‘bravest’ man on Twitter. No ballz to ever RUN for anything but by God he’ll smooch up to Trump and ATTACK those ‘worthless’ politicians while he does nothing. Oh yeah.

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I always love those moments when you can send one tweet and get the other guy rage-tweeting for hours while you drink your coffee and take a nap.

Not a fan of Sasse on a lot of things, but I do like his periodic moments of clarity against the Trumpites. It’ll probably just cost him a primary though.


Um…facts not in evidence.


CAT FIGHT!!! (lower case to keep the system happy)

Exactly why I never fired up an account on any social media.


“fake news” is probably the only thing I agree with Trump on. Fake news convinced millions of American voters that having a private email server was the exact same thing, if not worse, than being an ignorant, unqualified, sexual predator and a racist. For decades Roger Ailles, may he continue to burn in hell, convinced millions of good white Americans that charity was socialism, kindness & compromise was weakness, poverty was a well deserved punishment for being lazy, and that equality was just a front being used by “them” to kill your children and subvert America to Islam … or Communism … or whatever the hell they could scare the shit out of you with. America is toast because we can no longer tell the difference between real and fake news anymore, 'cause there isn’t any. When Chuck Todd says with a straight face on national television that it’s not his job to call out Republican lies on Obomacare, then gets to be MODERATOR of a political forum, it’s over. It’s just over. Democracy relies on an educated populace, and that job, to a large part, is supposed to be held by the press, but there are no more journalists, just entertainers.