Discussion for article #245510
He was in the race?
As the character “Seinfeld” un-empathetically said, “that’ a shame”.
Let’s go get some coffee".
I guess that means Marco luvs the Jeebus more than Cruz does. Or is this just another fundie fight?
I’m proud to say we lived in Pennsylvania when Santorum was voted out of the U.S. Senate after just one term. He was caught swindling taxpayer money for an online education and had to repay. Perhaps he will leave the political scene and get some kind of real job and stop pretending he has something to offer in public office.
Marco is Catholic, Cruz is Shiite Baptist. Santorum went with the non-heretic.
Well, in the same sense that if I were to sign up to run a marathon, and showed up on race day and limped across the starting line and then collapsed after 10 feet, I could still say I “was in the race.”
Santorum called Rubio a “tremendously gifted young man”
Ricky set the bar pretty low methinks.
Blah, blah, blah…
Is this Sanctimonium ‘endorsing lightly’?
Wait. Didn’t Santorum try to ride Trump’s vet “event” to free pre-caucus publicity? And this is how he repays The Donald?
Marco is Catholic now. Once the race moves to Nevada, you are going to be hearing all about how Mormon he was/is. Just wait.
“God’s will” be done.
Ya know… with the amount of " jerk wad " that just left the republican race today, you would think that the race would be pretty much cleaned up ---- Oh… wait
He’s been on wingnut welfare since he was shown the door by PA voters. A little lobbying here, a little funny work there, and heading a film company pushing funny titles. Rich will never be far from politics, he’s totally a part of the grift.
Santorum won the Iowa Caucus. Now he’s been brought low. Let’s hope this year’s winner does as well–May Tailgunner Teddy not win the nomination, be voted by the citizens of Texas out of office in the next election, and get less than 1% of the Iowa Caucus vote in 2020.
Thank you! I thought the same thing when I read that part. Seriously, ‘gifted,’ in what way, Mr. Santorum?
I’d bet that Frothy figures the best path to a Veep nomination is to attach himself like a lamprey to Rubio.
It also means there’s another person in the world who really, really, really hates Ted Cruz.
So, who’s gonna tell Rubio he’s got a bit of Santorum on his campaign.