Discussion: Santorum Officially Drops Out Of 2016 Race, Endorses Rubio

Compared to you, everyone is a born leader, dipshitstiltskin.


Iā€™m proud to say we lived in Pennsylvania when Santorum was voted out of the U.S. Senate after just one term.

No, you didnā€™t. Santorum served two terms. (Voted in 1994, voted out 2006.)

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Santorum officially plops out.

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Mother of Cripes ā€¦ this is that last push that Rubio needed to turn into a juggernaut!! This last thin sliver of support from the crazy is the last piece of wrapping for the cocoon that a pus filled amorphous blob called Rubio will enter and emerge as a beautiful radiant pus filled amorphous blob after he pupates. Wait ā€¦ is it a cocoon or a baboon that tuns into a butterfly? Works either way in this case.

Iā€™m pretty sure that awful judgement ability was the key factor in Santorum bottoming out in this campaign. So, whatever on Rubio.

And, bottoming out, thatā€™s a good one.

Another one down! I guess Jim Gilmore is my last hope.

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Another fundie fight

Trump didnā€™t win

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I guess that means that all ten of his supporters will now turn to Rubio. (Not an exact scienceā€“I may be off by a factor of 10)

Has this man (and I use the term loosely) ever held, like, an actual show-up-and-do-useful-stuff job?

Brings a whole new meaning to endorsing!

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