Discussion: Sanders: Trump Still 'Disappointed' By Sessions' Recusal In March

Well, look on the bright side. The administration could soon be joined by two “winners” who are a perfect fit:

Either one could take over for Sessions. Surely they can find a place for the other.

On second thought, if that last guy had been willing to work he wouldn’t be broke. He asked for it.

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Good to know T-rumpus can be consistent on one position for 24+ hrs.

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“I haven’t asked him specifically,” Sanders replied.

You know, time and time again, these spokespersons seem very reluctant to speak for the President.


I think that’s kind of a both

Kind of a Both.

Just let that sink in.


And when the current resident of the Oval Office talks about it is doesn’t even seem to be “kind of both”…


“As the President said yesterday, he was disappointed in the Attorney General Session’s decision to recuse himself,” Sanders said in an off-camera press briefing, according to a transcript provided by the White House.

And as an American citizen, I am very disappointed in a “President” who has now blocked live, televised press briefings and press conferences leaving all of us to rely on off-camera “briefings” by bimbos like Huckabee Sanders and idiots like Sean Spicer.

Can’t someone explain to Trump that when Sessions recused himself it was the first and only honorable action he performed as Attorney General? If Sessions is ever going to redeem himself, recusal is the essential first step.
I wouldn’t expect Trump to respect this, but I wish to God he wasn’t so completely clueless about it.


Sarah, honey, Trump is in a constant state of being disappointed so let’s have a “Who Cares?” vote.


If you overlayed his value system with yours, there would be no intersecting points. There is simply no translation possible.


We saw ‘Beatrix at Dinner’ last night. Brilliant. Although it was filmed last year, it is heartbreakingly up to date. John Lithgow does a Trump-ish character better than Trump does.


I think Sessions recusing himself was basically declaring that he’s not going to go to jail (for obstruction of justice; they may get him on something else) for this administration.


Sure- that too.

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One is not like the other. AT ALL.

Or at least as she’s trying to link them.

We’re going to get through this, but republicans continue to be the biggest roadblock here, or should I say, they’re forging a new road which is hardly paved with good intentions.

Read about Jamie Dimon’s rant yesterday, and it was mentioned on MSNBC that he might be considering a presidential run. Trump was a businessman, but an inept one, and Dimon would surely be better.



Trump is disappointed with Sessions and most Americans are disappointed with Trump.

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"Does the President believe that the attorney general serves the President or the Constitution?”

Sanders: “You’d have to clarify which country’s Constitution.”


Or they can just rewrite ours…





The “Would you kill baby Hitler?” question gets an update.

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Lying under oath?

If Seesions were to help take down Trump/Pence i would say resignation and disbarrment would be perfect punishment