Discussion: Sanders: Trump Still 'Disappointed' By Sessions' Recusal In March

He also called Trump an “abortion of a human being,” while adding, “If I was the doctor and knew what that baby would do, I’d have made sure it never would have seen the light of day.”

Wow. I’m sure Karen Handel is having the vapors about now.


Too easy.

Consider the following:

A brain in a vat is at the wheel of a runaway trolley approaching a fork in the track. The brain is hooked up to the trolley in such a way that the brain can determine which course the trolley will take. There are only two options: the right side of the fork or the left side. There is no way to derail or stop the trolley and the brain is aware of this.

On the right side of the track there is a single railroad worker, Jones, who will definitely be killed if the brain steers the trolley to the right. If Jones lives, he will go on to kill five men for the sake of thirty orphans (one of the five men he will kill is planning to destroy a bridge that the orphans’ bus will be crossing later that night). One of the orphans who will be killed would have grown up to become a tyrant who made good, utilitarian men do bad things; another would have become John Sununu; and a third would have invented the pop-top can.

If the brain in the vat chooses the left side of the track, the trolley will definitely hit and kill another railman, Leftie, and will hit and destroy ten beating hearts on the track that would have been transplanted into ten patients at the local hospital, who will die without donor hearts. These are the only hearts available, and the brain is aware of this. If the railman on the left side of the track lives, he, too, will kill five men – in fact, the same five that the railman on the right would kill. However, Leftie will kill the five as an unintended consequence of saving ten men: he will inadvertently kill the five men as he rushes the ten hearts to the local hospital for transplantation. A further result of Leftie’s act is that the busload of orphans will be spared. Among the five men killed by Leftie is the man responsible for putting the brain at the controls of the trolley. If the ten hearts and Leftie are killed by the trolley, the ten prospective heart-transplant patients will die, and their kidneys will be used to save the lives of twenty kidney-transplant patients, one of whom will grow up to cure cancer, and one of whom will grow up to be Hitler. There are other kidneys and dialysis machines available, but the brain does not know this.

Assume that the brain’s choice, whatever it turns out to be, will serve as an example to other brains in vats, and thus the effects of its decision will be amplified. Also assume that if the brain chooses the right side of the fork, an unjust war free of war crimes will ensue, whereas if the brain chooses the left fork, a just war fraught with war crimes will result. Furthermore, there is an intermittently active Cartesian demon deceiving the brain in such a way that the brain is never sure if it is being deceived.

Question: Ethically speaking, what should the brain do?

Justify your answer.

(bOING bOING Quarterly: Issue 13)


Can the brain kill the one worker, Jones, then back up, go left and take out the rest? Asking for a friend-brain. Thanks.


I hope Jones has his affairs in order.


No off switch to the White House genius setting.

Frumpy Huckleberry used visual aids at today’s off-camera lie-fest.

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Carnac:"What does Bannon always look like he could use?

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Goats by Day?

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So, thanks for having me.
So, Great question.
So, John Sununu Senior or Junior?

Jeezus, where do they FIND these people!
So, whatever.


It occurs to me that Trump will soon try to fire Mueller, maybe in the next week or so, because Mueller has let it be known that he is looking closely into Trump’s business operations, and that poses an immediate existential threat to Trump. Here’s how it would play out: Trump will ask Rosenstein to fire Mueller; Rosenstain will resign; Trump will fire Sessions and/or nominate someone like Kobach to be the next A-G or Dep. A-G; the nominee will be confirmed by the Senate after an oversight charade; and the new appointee will call off the special counsel investigation. Then we’ll have a full-blown constitutional crisis–and the GOP will have to decide whether or not to appoint an independent counsel. Logically, and knowing Trump as we do, I can’t see how this won’t happen.

" . . . But also, every member of the Cabinet and the administration serves at the pleasure of the President.”

President Trump A.K.A. Prince Akeem

Simpson can be spokesman for the DOJ Civil Rights division.

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Dimon would have compassion for the poor peons, the guys who work as traders and might make less than $1 million on a bad year.

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I’m a Chase shareholder. Actually the speech was extraordinarily condescending and in its way surprisingly weaselly. I’m going through it this weekend to write something on it. Howard Schultz of Starbucks appears to me to have more promise as a politician if he decides to run.
@chelsea530 @squirreltown
And customer.

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Yes, over the last decade he met a number of unfortunates who were imprisoned though innocent. Also, he might be useful in easing outplacement transition for administration members who will be experiencing a change of scenery.

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Is he considering running?
I was drinking Starbuck’s coffee before there was a Starbuck’s coffee shop, circa 1980 in Seattle.
Their store placement decision making is so interesting.
Astana had zero until the last year. Now one mall has a Starbuck’s, while another, huge mall called “Mega” has TWO!
And of course, if you are walking down Istaklal Caddesi in Istanbul, you will see almost as many Starbuck’s as chestnut vendors.

I saw him a few times and he’s being coy. He appears to have a healthy perspective on the usefulness and proper function of government. Dimon has more of the corporate idea that that government exists solely to assist corporations in making money. I was astonished at that speech. It appears that Dimon’s status as a shit-doesn’t-stink darling of Wall Street has gone to his head(on TV)

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Has OJ given any timeframe for finding the real killer?

I think he gave that up. I heard he’s going on a golf tour with Trump (Trump golf courses only) to find the real President.

In that company it could take forever.

Unless it’s Mr. Roger’s trolley or Tom the Tank Engine it has something known as a “Dead Man’s Switch”, usually on the floor, which must be engaged for the trolley or locomotive to move–by being held down by a human foot (although heavy bricks and cinder-blocks have been used by engine crews otherwise engaged in Tomfoolery). The theory being that if the operator suffers a medical emergency or is forced from his station by masked bandits determined to rob the mail car of the entire Thompsonville Mine payroll, the railed vehicle will go into emergency stop. Therefore the brain in a jar MUST be resting on the Dead Man’s Switch, be very large or tall and have arms to manipulate the rest of the controls, which are set at height comfortable for humans. Now as well, since the brain has the ability to control the switch sending it left or right, the switch, being an electromechanical device, has the option to fail or not fully engage, not as an act of free will but with the same “some day” inevitability of each of us to die. If that happens it derails the trolley making either option moot. Thereby allowing all of those horrible future acts and then some. But I digress…