Discussion: Sanders Texts His Supporters To Not Protest On The DNC Floor

Flower power hippies were never part of the militant left - the SDS, on down the line.

You must not have been through those times. There was actually tension between those of us who deplored violence and our peers who wanted to push everything into an angry confrontation.

They are not my hounds, Froggy; nor are they Bernie’s hounds. These vociferous delegates are free-willed adults. Senator Sanders and his campaign officials have already remonstrated with them. I myself am not able to add or subtract from what the Sanders’ campaign said or did here.

I never said or meant to imply that they were. The poster to whom I replyed said that flower power hippys protesting the Democratic conventions elected Nixon twice - which they patently didn’t.

Ah, sorry. Sometimes the commenting system defeats me.

I’m not on a fainting couch, and your constant insinuations that I and others with these ideas are is childish and a weak argument.

The fact is Sanders is claiming to be a Democrat and claiming to be an Independent at the same time. Pick one, stick with it, get over it.

Well I am equal opportunity…however, you left off the “REPUGS” sections when trying to create something that is not there.

Actually not all that hard to do…

  1. I have a family member who at the time was an elected Republican office holder, so worked on a number of his campaigns. He held local office for more than 25 years, the last 15 of which he ran unopposed.
  2. Even though I relate more to a liberal view, after returning from Vietnam, I was being recruited by both parties as a potential candidate. I made it a personal requirement to work for each party so that I would be sure I was a philosophical fit for either. As it turned out what I saw turned me off to a career in politics. Instead I worked hard in another form of politics, business, and succeeded to grow my career into CTO & COO positions after retirement from the Army.

Occam’s Razor is supposed to get the to the simplest answer, but in this case that’s silly. The more violent aspects of the left in the 60s were enabled by the “flower-power hippys”, and there were many who crossed back and forth.

It was not a simplistic time where you could draw lines like you are doing.